20 fact challenge lel

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So um I was nominated by TEH lovely Squeaker01 to write 20 facts about me self.

Let us start.

1. I'm a girl
2. I'm 14 (my bday was like a month ago)
3. I watch a some youtube, not as much as I used to though. I watch Jacksepticeye primarily, and Ssundee and Crainer, occasionally game theory or Markiplier.
4. I am single because
5. Pretty sure I'm straight but I've got a lot time to figure it out honestly at the moment I find no attraction to either part.
6. I enjoy writing even though most of my stuff is horrible
7. Some how I'm in the advanced math class...
8. I'm cool with gays straights bis other sexualities transgenders basically anyone who isn't a d*ck
9. I'm atheist. I think.
10. I'm a gamer. Not hardcore, but I dabble
11. I have a best friend, ForeveAnonymous , and I finally realized I don't need to be popular to please myself.
12. I'm really shy and its a big problem that limits me and I'd like to overcome it.
14. I have two sisters (one lives in Cali), and A brother. I live in the middle of no where Illinois, in the United States.
15. I'm blonde and blue eyed and not a bish. Though I feel I can appear cold in real life due to my shyness.
16. Adventure Time, One Upon a Time and Regular Show are my top three shows.
17. I have a kitty named Ruby and she is my baby.
18. converse are great
19. I'm scared of the future and probably commitment, which may be why I'm foreve alone
20. Oh how to end this.... it's been pretty deep... Oh yes my favorite soda is Vanilla Coke

I nominate my few friends;

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