You Sir Have No Room 2 Speak

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Ok so there is this chick in the grade above me. Her name is [A redacted], and she's like the most popular kid in her grade. Recently she's been posting a bunch of emo shiz about her being "a loser" and "having no friends" and "having no life"


Appreciate what you have, cuz I'm just a shy person with a best friend or two(not complaining ps btw).

So just, STAWP. You need to stop your pity party and CALLLMM DOWENN. There are losers/people with less friends than you that are much shyer.

I MEAN SRSLY. SHE IS THE MOST OUTGOING PERSON I KNOW! I mean, I think it'd be GRRRREAT to be that outgoing! I'm so shy it kills me to talk to MCDONALDS WORKERS.


-Le End of Ze Rant.

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