Frizz The Season (Part 1)

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Good evening, folks! Well, it's actually 12:35pm where I live, so... good morning! Anyways, I wanted a little chance to let my creative juices flow a little bit, so I'm writing another one shot! I'm excited to see what you guys think about this one! First off, I wanted to say thank you to all you lovely people out there reading this right now, because you all make my life better! I've gone from like 20 followers to 50 in the last couple weeks, and I'm honestly just... mindblown. Like, are you actually reading this stuff or is it just a fever dream? ANYWAYS, I'm talking too much, so let's get into the story! To be clear, our characters in this one shot are 16-17, and juniors in high school. Happy reading, and merry Christmas to all of you that celebrate it!

(Isabella's POV):

I stood at my mirror at 6 in the morning, staring myself and my frizzy hair down in hopes that it would change to perfect in the blink of an eye. I groaned and picked up my phone and dialed a number. 

A perky, high-pitched voice answered the phone. "Hello?" 

"Em! Emergency!" I exclaimed, glancing back at the mirror to give my hair a death glare. I was cut off by Emma Hunter's voice. 

"Uh oh! Is it anything like Candace's bad hair day? Or just IGTF bad?" Emma asked, and I could practically hear her wincing. 

"Emma, it looks like I was in a chemistry lab when an experiment failed!" I whined, stomping my foot. "And TODAY of all days, too!"

Emma gasped. "A CHEMISTRY lab? Hmm... not that I would know anything about that since my teacher does nothing but write chicken scratch on the board. I have to get all my help from my friend in Tennessee!"

"Look, chemistry is not the issue here! Come here, and bring some kind of solution if you can!" I sighed. 

"Don't worry, I got you! Just let me run to the boys' house real quick." Emma said. 

"Oooh, say hi to Phineas for me!" I giggled and swooned, falling back on the bed. 

"I would invite you, but I don't think your hair would fit through the doorway." she teased, and my jaw dropped. 

"Woooow, I'm in my time of need and you're joking about my hair?" I replied with a fake sniffle, which was met by one of Emma's classic sweet laughs. 

"I'll be there in a few, okay?" she said. 

"Alright. Bye, Ems!" I smiled. 

"Bye, Iz!" she replied, and the only thing left was the dial tone. I sighed and looked back up at my mirror. 

What am I going to do about you?


(Ferb's POV):

I'd slept on the couch the night before after watching a movie with my brother, and didn't feel like getting up yet. Today was a special day, heck, one of my favorite days of the year, but I was still majorly exhausted. I sighed and looked over at my brother, who was snoring and curled up in a little ball on the floor in front of the TV. Suddenly, my attention was drawn to the front of the house by a noise. 

Now who could be at my house at 6:13am willingly? I wondered, and then, after realizing I was the only one awake, walked up to the door and opened it, yawning. 

"Hiy-a... Fer...b..." the blonde at my front door started, but her voice trailed off as her eyes scanned me up and down. It was at that moment when I realized I did not have a shirt on. I blushed and stood there while she stared at me. 

"Um... sorry, do- do you want me to put a shirt on?" I asked, reaching behind me, where my shirt should have been, but it wasn't there. What the heck? I turned around and it still wasn't there. 

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