The First Frost (Part 1)

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I got bored and I'm in a Christmas mood, but I don't wanna release my Christmas ideas quite yet (oh believe me in December my accounts gonna be all Christmas stuff) anyways, I figured the vibes in late fall would work for this one, so I present to you, The First Frost, a Phinabella Story (with a few hints of Ferbma)! 

Age in this story is 16 (sophomores) and for the sake of the story, Candace is only 18 (senior) (doesn't match up with the show but who cares this is my story don't come at me)

(Phineas' POV):

I woke up that morning with a grin on my face. It was finally the bridge between Fall and Winter,  F'Winter, when it's still chilly and your nose gets cold when you walk outside, but the first frost hasn't showed up yet. You know, the time when the crazy people (like us) start getting out their Christmas decorations, and hot cocoa starts becoming one of the hardest to find things in the grocery stores? 

I stretched my arms and looked over at my nightstand to see what time it was. It was only 6:58, so I had a few extra minutes to bundle up under my duvet and warm myself up before getting up. Plus, the weather had all of a sudden gotten much colder overnight.

I looked over at my brother, who was sleeping peacefully in the bed next to mine, and knew not to wake him up, or I would be in a world of hurt. The thought made me chuckle, and then I realized it was 30 degrees outside, and my hands were freezing cold. I reached into my drawer and pulled out a hand-warmer, and slipped it under my covers and into my hoodie pocket, waiting for the alarm to go off. 


(Isabella's POV):

The only thing that mattered to me when I woke up was that I was freezing cold! My hands were shaking, my teeth chattering, and my toes felt like they would fall asleep any second. I quickly jumped out of bed and slipped on sweatpants and a warm, orange hoodie that Phineas had let me borrow the week before, when we made a giant ice skating rink and I forgot to bundle up. 

I smiled goofily and took a deep inhale of Phineas' scent, and it warmed me up immediately. When I realized that Phineas was still oblivious, and the hoodie was only here because I forgot to give it back afterwards, the warmth left and I frowned and jumped back in my bed, holding my arms tight. 

After a few minutes of sitting in silence, defreezing me from my ice cube-y state that I had fallen into, I prepared myself to step into the freezing cold air surrounding my bedroom. Why my mom had turned off the heater, I have no idea, but I'd have to deal with the cold until I could convince her to turn it back on. 


(Phineas' POV):


I groaned and released myself from the warm position I had finally gotten into to push back the covers and turn off the alarm, which was getting more annoying and rapid every second I waited. 

Ferb stirred from his own slumber and sat up slowly. 

"Morning, bro! Looks like we're almost in winter, huh?" I grinned as my brother sat there, still unaware of what was happening from sleepy brain. 


(Ferb's POV):

I was rudely awoken by the annoying buzzing of the alarm that I had come to hate the last few days. Usually, it didn't bother me, but lately, it had become a chore to get out of bed and be productive, mostly since my teachers had decided it was funny to give us all 5 assignments per class per day. Oh, if only we could have a random day off every once in a while. I grumbled and turned over, reaching out of the covers to turn on the bedside lamp. 

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