Bad Luck Charm

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This is gonna be somewhat depressing, but I needed an outlet for some emotions I was feeling earlier today. You may cry, you've been warned. Credit for the OC Tyler goes to S_Ninja01! Happy reading! :)

(Emma's POV):

I laid on my bed, staring at the ceiling, tears clouding up my view and then making their slow way down my cheeks and staining the pillow under my head. I tried blinking them away, but they kept coming. They flowed like a fountain, and I could barely breathe. 

In the past hour, my entire world had been turned upside down, and there was nothing I could do about it, since I was out of town visiting family, and wouldn't be back for at least 2 weeks. 

-Earlier That Morning-

I'd slept in for the fourth day in the row, exhausted from all of the cleaning and cooking I'd been doing for my aunt the last few days. The door burst open and I jumped out of bed. 

"Just... just 5 more minutes..." I grumbled, and then felt jumping on the bed. I sat up and saw my 2 and 4 year old cousins jumping on the bed, and I lost it. I'd had enough of them the last 4 days, and I was tired of the screaming and crying and joking around. 

"GET OUT OF HERE, YOU LITTLE GREMLINS!" I screamed and, without thinking, smacked the 4 year old across the face, and the 2 year old was so shocked, he fell off the bed and started screaming bloody murder. While this was happening, the phone went off, and I glanced at it to see Isabella's name pop up. 

"What's going on in here? Oh, baby!" my aunt ran into the room and picked up my 2 year old cousin, Benny, and checked to make sure he was okay. "What did you do this time?" she asked me, and then saw my phone ringing. "Were you getting distracted by that thing?"

"Wh- NO! They came in here and started jumping on the bed! My phone's just been on the charger!" I tried to defend myself, but before I could finish, she ran over to my desk and snatched it, then answered the phone. 


"Um... this is Isabella, can I talk to Emma?"

"No, she's grounded for a week. She'll see you when she gets her act together." my aunt scolded, and I huffed. "Make that 2 weeks."

"But, I need to talk to her! It's imp-" Isabella said, but was cut off by the dial tone. I stared at my aunt with confusion, my eyes welling up with tears. 

"That was my best friend..." I whimpered.

"Look, you were sent here to be my assistant and take care of my kids for that weird nanny patch for the, what was it, 'Seaside Scouts' program or whatever! Get off your phone and take care of them, then! I have to go to my meeting. I'll be back tonight. I expect the house to be spotless by the time I get home." she commanded and stuck Benny in my arms, and then stormed out of the house. 

I watched her leave while holding a sniffling 2 year old in my arms and noticed her walk into her room with my phone, and then walk out without it. Hmm... I had to find out what Isabella's important message was, and then I'd put it back after I called her. She opened the door and walked out of the house, leaving us in temporary silence, which was broken by a loud crash in the guest room... aka my room.

"Oh, no... Blake, what did you do this time?" I groaned and put Benny down and ran into the room to find my suitcase on the floor, and all my clothes scattered on the floor. "DAAAAAAAAAAAAAANVILLE WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM DEVIL CHILD?" I screamed, censoring the cuss word that almost escaped from my mouth, running to the suitcase and picking up the clothes, folding them carefully while Benny hopped on my back and Blake watched me with an evil smile on his face. I swear, these two were going to be the death of me.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2020 ⏰

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