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So, I wanted to write a little one shot of the future and I thought Thanksgiving was the perfect topic, so here you go! This little one shot will show the Flynn-Fletcher kids all grown up, married, and with kids! Enjoy!

 26 years after the show (age 34)

Thanksgiving Day, Fletcher Household

(Emma's POV):

The house was silent today, which wasn't a normal occurance at this time of the morning. Usually, there was a 3 year old climbing all over Ferb and I, but it was... silent. I turned my head to find Ferb cuddled into me, his arms wrapped around me like I was a stuffed bear or something. I giggled and moved a lock of his green hair out of his sleeping eyes. 

"Good morning, Ferby..." I whispered. "Happy Thanksgiving, love."

He stirred from his slumber and opened his eyes. "Oh, morning, darling." he yawned and let go of me, propping his pillow up and laying back. "Wait, it's Thanksgiving already?"

"Mhm..." I replied, sitting myself upright and leaning on his shoulder. 

"Well, I'm thankful that I don't have two little cold feet burrowing under my back while I'm trying to sleep." he chuckled and reached over to his nightstand to put on his reading glasses. 

"It is weird, huh... wonder what those little turkeys are up to today." I smiled and pulled my phone off of the charger and texted Camille. 

Emma: Is Ember okay?

Camille: She's fine, mom. I'm taking care of her, you and Dad just rest, okay?

"Aww, honey, Camille's taking care of the baby! How sweet!" I showed Ferb the text, and he wrapped his arm around me and kissed me on the cheek. 

"She takes after you in the kindness factor, you know?" he smiled and kissed me. 

"And the sass, but I think that's both of our fault." I joked and we both laughed. 


Same time, Flynn Household

(Isabella's POV):

I woke up early to start getting our assignment for Thanksgiving ready. It was being held at Candace and Jeremy's this year. 

"Psst! Phineas, move over, jerk!" I laughed and pushed Phineas... a little too hard. He fell off the side of the bed. I snorted and leaned over. 

"What was that for?" he asked groggily, laying on the floor looking up at me. 

"You were hogging the bed!" I laughed and extended my arm for him to take. He stood up and jumped on the bed. 

"So you pushed me off?! You think that's funny, do you?" he laughed and jumped on top of me, tickling me. 

"NO! Phineas, stop! Stop!" I laughed and tried to pull myself out of his grasp, but nothing worked. 

We both jumped at the sound of the bedroom door opening. 

"Ew... you guys are weird." Tony pretended to gag and then closed the door. 

"Where did he get the sarcasm from, Isabella?" Phineas asked. 

I looked at him and quirked an eyebrow. "Um, moi!" I pointed to myself and giggled, and he just smiled and leaned down to kiss me. 

"There's the Isabella I know and love." he grinned and kissed me again.

We were interrupted yet again by the door. 

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