A tispsy blonde

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Katsuki's POV (Izuku's will come eventually I promise)
I was so nervous honestly, then freckles just yanked me down by my spiky blonde hair and kissed me... he kissed me. That was my first kiss.. why the hell would he do that. I started to feel butterflies swarming in my stomach but I knew that was just nerves because of the cameras flashing in my eyes. Deku intertwined our fingers together and walked me into the venue.

It was the most posh, fancy building I had ever entered. Everyone was in smart suits and the woman in dresses, I stuck out like a saw thumb let's just say. I saw so many famous models and actors but I had to be on my best behaviour so I didn't cause any fuss. A strange male with half white and half red hair started approaching us, he was wearing a white suit. His hair kinda reminded me of fire and ice.

'Ahh Todoroki san.'

'Midoryia how are you it's been awhile and who's this gentleman besides you' the half and half bastard smiled.

'Well Todoroki this is my boyfriend bakugou, babe meet my friend Todoroki' I noticed the nerd wink as he said 'boyfriend' so I assumed that this icy hot weirdo was his actual friend. 'Babe introduce yourself' deku nudged my arm whilst raising his brows at me.

'Oh shi.. shockingly sorry I'm Katsuki Bakugou' I put out my hand for the guy to shake whilst trying my best not to swear. The greenette just whacked his palm on his forehead in disappointment. Icy hot shook my hand and eyed me up and down 'your an interesting one Bakugou.'

What the fuck did he mean by that

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What the fuck did he mean by that. This Todoroki guy was extremely tall, well I'd say an inch taller then me. I'm not used to dealing with people taller then me it's kinda intimidating. 'Your hairs an interesting one.' Ah shit was I supposed to say that or does that sound to rude. Whatever he was rude to me so I'm not gonna stand here and take his shit. Freckles stood there with his eyes closed hoping for this moment to be over.

Icy hot simply chucked in response then gave us a wave goodbye. I could sense little eyes staring at me from down below, was I really that bad. 'Okay babe I'm going to go off with a few of my friends now stay at the bar and please don't get drunk' the greenette stated to me. He then pulled me down by my blonde hair again (what's with this guy) and whispered in my ear.

'Flirt and your fired.'

Chills went down my spine as I felt his warm breath against my ear and all my hairs stood up at once. I made my way towards the fancy bar at the end of the venue room and plonked myself onto a black stool I then took my phone from my pocket and started scrolling on social media. I scrolled down to a certain post then my eyes widened in disbelief 'Breaking news Izuku Midoryia new love affair?' It was a picture of us two kissing at the entrance. So that's why he did it. I couldn't help but to scroll through some of the comments.

'Why is he dating a punk.'

'That blonde is so hot wowe.'

'Always knew that model was gay.'

I then receive a picture message off Kirishima and not to my surprise it's the one of me and freckles kissing. I hate my life. 'BAKUBRO YOUR KISSING HIM' the text also read. My face suddenly turned to the colour of Kirishima's hair and I quickly placed my phone back in my pocket. For some reason I was so angry that the nerd only kissed me to get on the top trending page of social media but it was whatever, it's my job at the end of the day.

'Sir would you like a drink' the bartender looked over to me.

'Oh shit yea, can I get a double vodka cranberry with lime.'

'Actually can you make that two.'

'Yea I'll get another two of them'

'Maybe just two more'

'Okay last one'

Ahh bollocks now I need the toilet 'where's the toilets' I asked the bartender. 'Just upstairs to the left' he smiled back. As soon as I got up off the stool I soon realised I was extremely tipsy.. oh shit, deku is going to kill me. He did leave me alone for two hours what did that fuck face expect. I stumbled up the stairs gaining lots of glances from other extras at the party.. crap am I embarrassing myself.

I started to feel myself get sad in the thought of getting fired and going back to my parents hating me and living off noodles and pizza at Kirishima's, I really was a failure and to think my first kiss was with a boy. How embarrassing. I touched my face only to feel liquid coming from my eyes.. shit am I crying.. no please god no I have eyeliner on. I couldn't see strait because the eyeliner hurt my eyes so I opened the first door I saw hoping it was the bathroom.

Not to my surprise it wasn't the bathroom.

'Kacchan what are you doing in here.. are you crying' I heard the greenette say. He was sat in a booth with icy hot and some other people I didn't recognise. 'I embarrassed you I'm so..so sorry' I cried as I walked up to him and buried my face in his chest. I accidentally smudged some of my eyeliner onto his clean white shirt. Freckles then patted my head and looked at the drunk mess on his chest. That's me.. I'm the drunk mess.

I could hear some people in the booth snicker in the background but I was too drunk to care 'I think it's time to take your boyfriend home' I heard someone say. I glanced up only to see a blonde girl wearing glasses, she was definitely looking down on me that's for sure. 'Give the guy a break, it's his first day' that monotone voice sounded familiar, icy hot was actually defending me.

'Come on kacchan it's time we got you home.' That was the last thing I remember hearing.

Izuku's POV (ayyyy finally)
I dragged the heavy blonde strait out the doors of the venue, using my jacket to cover his face. I didn't want the press to think he'd been crying and by the black stains down his face it was pretty obvious he had been. I sat kacchan in the limo then quickly ran to the other side to get in. Uraraka drove off as fast as possible to avoid photos or videos from the paparazzi.

Since Uraraka was driving the limo she couldn't speak or hear any of me and Kacchan's conversation which I wanted right now, I didn't need the blonde to embarrass himself any further. I could smell vodka coming from his breath but for once kacchan looked innocent and vulnerable, something i'v never witnessed before.

'Hey you okay' i whispered to him.

He mumbled something but I couldn't quite hear what he was saying.'

'You.. we're my.. first.. kiss.' He managed to get out.

'That wasn't a proper kiss don't worry your okay' I said as I ruffled his spikey blonde hair, it's surprisingly soft a bit like kacchan is being right now. He was just lay on my lap. As I continued to play with his hair I gazed at the scenery out the window, it was pitch black outside but the lights around stayed lit. Causing colourful glares to often hit the inside of the vehicle. As we went past a big light up red sign the red shined on kacchan's face almost blending in with his crimson eyes.

It was in the moment but the blonde leaned up from being in my lap and kissed me, I wasn't sure what to do but my body stayed in the kiss for awhile. As soon as he tried to enter his tongue I pushed his heavy body off me. That was a strange feeling, am I really kacchan's first ever kiss.

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