A celebrity party

307 9 32

Third person
A black car pulled up on the driveway of a very large mansion. The blonde took one step out the car and gawked at the sheer size of the building in front of him. 'Welcome to your new home blondie' a familiar voice cooed. Frankly Katsuku was too busy staring at the mansion to notice the small greenette in front of him. 'Oh shit urgh hi again shorty' the blonde coughed out. Izuku's browns suddenly turned to a frown.


'Well yea because your like a pea compared to me' Katsuki snickered as he started to open the boot of the car to grab his stuff. The driver suddenly jolted towards the blonde and picked up his bags for him. Izuku walked up to the tall boy and looked up at him, Katsuki just stared down at the greenette and gave him a pat on the head. 'Listen we are going to set some ground rules before you start' Izuku repeated.

'Rule number 1.. no Patting on the head.' Katsuki simply smirked to his rule.

'Rule number 2.. in public I'm not shorty or freckles you will call be babe.' The blonde scrunched his nose a bit to this rule.

'Rule number 3.. obviously at celebrity parties don't flirt with girls or it will be all over the news.'

'No problem there' the blonde snuffed.

'And most importantly rule number 4... don't fall in love with me.'

Katsuki's eyes suddenly stared daggers into the boys skull and his expression looked to be an angry one. 'Pffttt I'm not fucking gay and as if I'd fall for a shorty like you' the blonde hissed back as he crossed his arms and looked away from the greenette. 'Just making sure, things would get complicated if you fell for me' Izuku mentioned. The blonde whipped his head back to the boys direction.

'Hey i'm not going to fall for you fuck face' he spat. Katsuki couldn't believe he just called the top male model in Japan, fuck face. Nevertheless he wasn't going to change his temper just because the freckly boy was famous. 'That temper of yours needs some work.. babe' with that the greenette walked away from the blonde motioning him to follow in his direction.

'Pft who does he think he is' Katsuki muttered under his breath. 'Come on kacchan pick up the pace.'

'K-K-K katchan!!!' The blonde screamed as he ran after the greenette who was heading into the house. 'Yea i thought I'd give you a nickname, it's short for Katsuki chan' Izuku smiled. 'Well your just a deku' the blonde moaned back.

'Hmm deku' Izuku thought about the nickname the blonde gave him for a second 'I like it!!'

'You do know deku means worthless right' Katsuki smirked giving deku a pat on the head in return. 'Hey no breaking the rules or your fired got that' the freckly boy hissed back. 'Whateverrrr' Katsuki said as he stuck his hands in his baggy pants and gazed at the beautiful mansion he was entering. The inside was quite minimalistic yet there were paintings on the wall and a grande piano in the entrance. 'Fuck this is fancy' Katsuki thought to himself.

The blonde was assigned a room on the second floor near where Izuku's room was, the room was very large and had a on suite bathroom and large glass windows overlooking the city. It was beautiful. The crimson eyes of Katsuki shot open as he entered the room, he was in awe at the sheer size. 'Fucking hell this is bigger then Kirishima's house' he scoffed as he ran up to the queen sized bed and plonked himself on.

'I'll let you unpack your bags but if you need help just ask one of the girls' Izuku said pointing to the girl that just entered with Katsuki's bags. The girl was quite tall with long dark green hair slicked back in a pony tail, she was also wearing her own clothes which maybe indicated the girl was more then just a maid to Izuku.

'Also you have your first party tonight, your outfit is in the wardrobe and the party starts at 10pm.. don't embarrass me Kacchan' with that both the greenette and the girl exited Katsuki's new room. The blonde pulled out the only thing in the wardrobe and gave it a look. 'Ahh fuck that' he thought as he stared at the black suit in front of him then proceeded to throw it onto the bed.

After Katsuki had unpacked he took his sweet time getting ready for the event, he washed his hair, painted his nails black, applied a tiny amount of black eyeliner and searched through his cupboard for an outfit. 'You nearly ready' Izuku shouted from behind the door. 'Yea just meet me in the car freckles' the blonde shouted back. Izuku huffed in response and made his way outside the building.

Katsuki had picked out his favourite black band tee, smart black trousers with chains hanging from the belt, a black leather jacket and docs to finish the look. He then put his small black hoop earrings in and gave himself a glance in the mirror 'perfect' the blonde thought. He strutted out the mansion and proceeded to get into the limo parked out front.

'Your not wearing what I asked you to' the greenette sighed. 'I didn't see wearing your outfits as one of the rules deku' the blonde smirked back 'and plus if the press are gonna see me as your new boyfriend I want them to know the real me' Katsuki dragged out the 'real' just to get on Izuku's nerves. 'Whatever you don't have time to change now so just please don't embarrass me' Izuku muttered before they started to set off towards the venue.

Izuku was dressed smart in a dark grey suit with a white button up shirt, he had his green hair slightly combed back but still as curly as ever. The greenette looked incredibly handsome and he was about to walk into a celebrity event with his first ever 'boyfriend' who looked like a punk. Izuku was just glad the blonde wasn't wearing a jacket saying 'fuck off' on the back although he wouldn't put it past him.

'Urghhhh how far away is this party' the blonde said as he cut the silence in the car. 'God your like a kid' Izuku snuffled back leaving a frown on Katsuki's face. 'At least I'm not mr serious' he huffed in response. 'I'm not serious kacchan I just have to act it' the greenette smirked. 'Okay we are here.. now kacchan I might do something which will shock you but you have to play along okay.. think of this as if you were an actor.'

'Yea Yea whatever' the blonde replied.

As the car pulled up at the front of the venue a swarm of paparazzi crowded around but thankfully Izuku had two large body guards stopping them from coming too close. One body guard was quite tall, but not as tall as Katsuki, he had dark purple hair and droopy eyes the other body guard was shorter but stocky and had long white hair. Uraraka, who was driving them, got out the limo and opened up Izuku's door. The crowd was in up raw. The brunette then walked around to the other side and let the tall blonde out.

As Katsuki got out the limo he was instantly overwhelmed by the sheer amount of people surrounding him, the blondes face looked quite worried but Izuku soon took his hand and dragged him around to the main entrance. 'Hey it's okay you will get used to it babe' Izuku smiled to the tall boy. As all the cameras were on the duo Izuku gave a wave to the press then grabbed the back of Katsuki's hair and pulled him down to his height whilst getting on his tip toes.

The greenette kissed the blonde softly on the lips.

Ahh I love this chapter thanks to everyone who is reading, i live for confident sassy izuku and angsty BakugouI added a drawing because why not, I'm trying to draw more for these stories

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Ahh I love this chapter thanks to everyone who is reading, i live for confident sassy izuku and angsty Bakugou
I added a drawing because why not, I'm trying to draw more for these stories

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