A strange encounter

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Third person
The blonde sat sipping on his Luke warm coffee with one leg over the other and his nose scrunched into the magazine he was reading, the background sounds Bakugou could hear were muffled because of how engrossed he was within looking through the pictures. On the very front of the magazine there was a shortish green haired boy wearing a tight black button up shirt and long dark grey blazer, he was posing. Bakugou sighed as he placed down his magazine and proceeded to pick up a newspaper he also had sitting on the table next to his now cold coffee.

Katsuki Bakugou age 21 had just lost his job and his parents had just recently kicked him out for dropping out of college. Bakugou's mum said he could return when he picked his life up, at the moment Bakugou was living with his best friend Kirishima but he knew he needed to find a job and fast. The blonde proceeded to open up his paper and flip to the back where the jobs were located.

A small boy walked into the coffee shop, he was wearing his hood up and also wore a black face mask since he didn't want to be recognised by the public. As he was walking to the till he noticed a large blonde with his eyes stuck in a newspaper then also glanced to see he has been reading the magazine he was oh so famously the face of. The masked boy peered around the back of the blonde.

'Looking for a job' he questioned.

The blonde was taken back and suddenly flew his head towards the short masked boy standing behind him. All he could see were his bright emerald eyes shining in the dim cafe lighting.

'Tsk what's it to you weirdo' the blonde huffed.

'I don't appreciate that attitude' the small boy smirked back giving his eye brows a raise.

Katsuki was almost taken back from the fact a complete stranger spoke back to him, 'hey who the fuck do you think you are with your stupid mask.'

'Maybe if you come with me I can show you why I wear this mask.' The blonde was slightly confused but none the less continued to be his rude self. 'Look I dunno who you are but you better fuck off and leave me alone.' The short boy was done with the blondes attitude but gave him one last go 'okay I'll take my 100000 yen (roughly 958 dollars) somewhere else then shall I.'

Just as them words escaped the greenettes mouth Katsuki's eyes widened. '100000 yen!!!' He blurted out. The whole cafe seem to have heard the hod headed blonde and turned around to where he was seated. 'Keep your mouth shut and come with me' the masked boy repeated. Just like that he dragged Katsuki out the cafe, all Katsuki had time to grab was his magazine.

The blonde was wearing black wripped skinny jeans, a slightly baggy black top and a rustic dark brown leather jacket paired with docs, he looked rather attractive and stuck out from the crowd. This is why the boy seemed to notice him. The masked boy shoved Katsuki's head in his car just enough so his spiky blonde hair would make it in then proceeded to seat himself in the passenger seat.

'Alright what the fuck is going on' just as the blonde questioned the strange boy he took his hood off to reveal his fluffy green hair. 'Wait a minute that looks famili...' just before Katsuki could string his sentence the boy had taken off his mask and Katsuki now knew exactly who he was.

'what in the fuck..... how in the fuck.'

'Your friend seems to like to swear huh' a mysterious voice came from the front seat. The driver was a short brunette girl who was wearing a slightly tight fitted red uniform. 'He's not my friend I'm hiring him' the greenette continued 'I'm taking your advice so thank me later.' The blonde sat, still gob smacked and thoroughly confused to the events currently happening.

'Oh sorry blondey you must be confused, see I want to hire you to be my fake boyfriend' as soon as the words escaped the greenettes mouth Katsuki shook his head in disbelief 'you want me to what!' He shouted. 'Listen tall boy all you have to do is act like my boyfriend in public so the press notice and you get a free room with unlimited food or whatever the hell you want.'

'But what if I'm not gay' The blonde questioned. The freckly boy let out a small chuckle 'you don't need to be gay you just need to know how to act' he smirked. This was all very overwhelming for Katsuki, he didn't want to act like a fan boy but the fact THE izuku midoryia is asking him and not some other guy was unbelievable. 'Tsk I'll think about it, the names Bakugou by the way.' Katsuki didn't want to ruin his ever growing ego so he acted as casual as possible.

'Well I'm sure you already know my name due to that magazine you are clutching onto' the greenette smiled. This made the blonde every so slightly blush. 'just get in touch' and with that he handed Katsuki his business card with his number on and let the tall blonde get out the car. 'I hope to see you soon Bakugou oh and how could i forget' Izuku whipped 100000 yen out his pocket and handed it to the blonde before he could slam the door. 'Thanks freckles' the blonde half smiled back.

Bakugou stood staring at the wad of cash in his hand almost feeling like the whole thing was a dream. 'I just called the most famous male model freckles' he thought to himself before he started to walk back to his little red car which was parked behind the cafe. His crimson eyes were gazing at the business card Izuku had handed him and all he could think was 'what do I do now.'

'So you really picked out a looker didn't you' the brunette chirped. 'Eyes off he's my fake boyfriend' the greenette chuckled to his driver/friend Uraraka.

'Why can't you just find a real boyfriend' Uraraka teased as she rolled her eyes at the freckly boy. 'Iv got my reasons plus I'm too busy to ever be in a relationship.'

'Yea I know I know but that blonde seems perfect, he's good looking enough to make it seem believable.. your male fans are going to be over the moon once they find out your gay' she continued to chuckle. 'Yea whatever I'm only doing this for work purposes and maybe it will stop so many woman coming up to me that gets annoying after awhile.'

Izuku was obviously a very handsome male I mean considering he was the top male model he kinda had to be, but the only thing he lacked was height. The boy only being 5ft 5 thought it would be perfect to scope out a tall attractive boy and Katsuki was definitely that, coming in at 6ft 4 the blonde was incredibly tall compared to the greenette. Katsuki was handsome but not model material, he was extremely rugged looking and also had his ears pierced.

 Katsuki was handsome but not model material, he was extremely rugged looking and also had his ears pierced

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'Maybe you might end up liking him' the brunette teased the Izuku.

'I doubt that.'

I just wanted to say sorry for starting a completely new story I will get back to assassin Bakugou but I have no inspiration for it yet so I started this one since I have lots of ideas, love u all <3

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