Something in the Air

168 28 55

The streets are strangely silent,

Other than a few ardent deniers.

Pubs desperate to serve

Christmas cheer

But doors are locked.

Restaurants lack the delicious odours

Of days past.

Yet Pangolins grace human

Dining tables

Washed down

With tiger wine.

Rivers run with chemical waste

So clothes have that special hue

To brighten Christmas jumpers.

So, who is to blame for this


Is it the Chinese?

Is it the TRUMPeted deniers?


We have long raped our planet

We are destroying our world.

But, we cry, what about Christmas?

We have buried hundreds of thousands,

But what about Christmas?

Media bleats the economic costs

Of no Christmas.

Will you have grannie for Christmas

Or can it wait until next year??

You decide........

                              _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Owain Glyn

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