That Sly Old Duke Of York

67 18 33

That sly old Duke of York

He told ten thousand lies

He told them on national tv

Which he thought was wise.

When he was caught he was caught

And when he was caught he ran

Hiding in mummy's castle

Just coz a Royal can

He doesn't think he's above the law

It just doesn't apply to him

The law's to keep the peasants in place

Royals are a different breed blue blooded from within.

It seems this young girl was a gift

Be rude then to refuse

She should have shown some gratitude

Instead she cried abuse!!

Courtrooms are for hoi polloi

Not for Royal men

This silly girl should go away

And not come round again.

(At least during the day.)

                      _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

Owain Glyn

N.B This piece refers to a Royal Duke refusing to answer allegations

from a woman who accuses him of sexual abuse when she was seventeen years old.

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