Ch. Thirteen | Good Morning

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"Niall please check who you're texting next time!"

"Harry," Niall groaned, "I was out of it, I'm sorry."

"I threw up after I saw that!"

"What? Hey, that's a bit rude innit?"

"Couldn't help it!"

Harry was currently lounging on Niall's couch, the two of them bantering on about the fact Niall accidentally sent him a(n unfavorable) picture instead of the lass he fancied. "Where did you even take the photo?"

Niall looked down, blushing, "After I got home a few hours after midnight," he mumbled. "Jesus, I was here, ew," Harry whined, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Well hey, at least you got home before shit happened at the club. Was rather funny," Niall chuckled. "I mean, I got a midnight shag, and then, uh, Mr. Tomlinson saw me and the lad, Luke, in the bathroom and went off on me," Harry bit his lip and shook the scene out of his head. "Oh, Jesus," Niall muttered. He stared off for a bit, making Harry frown. "Ni, you alright mate?"

Niall stayed silent for a couple of minutes before speaking up, "Mr. Tomlinson saw you, jeez. Yeah, he saw the rest of us, too. Which is why Liam, Zayn, and I went home. He came over to us and yelled at us."

"Fuck," Harry groaned. "You don't think he'll rat us out to anyone, right," Harry asked nervously. Niall bit his lip, "That's what I'm thinking. I really hope he doesn't."


"Louis, for god's sake! What made you think you could get involved in something like that! He's your fucking student!"

"El, he's underage, he shouldn't be at a club fucking a stranger who is two years older than him!"

You're twenty-three and you care about it.

"I agree that he shouldn't be out drinking and clubbing underage but come on, he's young. My main issue is that you care so much about his sex life, you're his teacher, not his dad! It shouldn't matter to you!"

"Well it does, Eleanor!"

Louis's mouth went dry, "I-I mean as his teacher, i-it just-"

"Louis, stop," Eleanor sighed heavily over the phone, "Just stop," Eleanor said quietly, her voice shaking a bit. Louis sat there in silence, terrified. Eleanor could tell when he was lying. They were over the phone though, so maybe she wouldn't be able to tell. "Louis is it just because you're his teacher?"

Louis swallowed the lump in his throat, "Eleanor why would it be anything else," Louis asked nervously. "I dunno, Lou. It just seems weird."

"Weird that I care?"

"As much as you do care, yeah. Most teachers don't get that involved in their students' private life. Most teachers just don't care, or they notify authorities. I think you should either do that or let it go. He's a teenager, he'll be graduating soon anyway. Let him live a little, he's young."

"Right. Talk to you later."


Louis scoffed and stood up, shaking his head. Last night's events played over and over in his head.

Talking on the phone, trying to ignore the loud sounds coming from the stalls.

He can still hear them, they were loud.

"Fuck, faster please,"

"You feel so good,"

"You look so hot right now,"

"Uh, ah, I'm gonna cum, fu-"

"Stop," Louis shouted at himself, hitting his head. Watching Harry glare into his own eyes, the feeling returning to Louis's chest. Ouch. The disgusting feeling he felt finding Harry's other three friends, yelling at them. He went home after a couple more drinks. He had a pounding headache.

After drinking some water and eating a small bowl of cereal Louis made the final decision that he was going to stay home for the rest of the break. That would give him plenty of time to think about things, like how easy it was going to be when break was over. Not. Or how the four boys would act. How Harry would act. Was he mad? Louis figured just so, and he wouldn't blame the kid. He would be just as mad.

One thing happened last night that Louis couldn't complain about, though, was far before he even went into the bathroom, Adam finally had shown up. Louis and him laughed for what seemed like hours before the rest of the night happened, fizzling out any positive attitudes he had for the rest of the night. Louis should apologize to Adam. Should.

Hey! :D I know this chapter is short, word count (not counting this ofc) is around 700 :P this is more of just about the next day and in my mind nothing too exciting would happen for the rest of break. Next chapter will take place a little bit after break has been over.

<3 x


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