Ch. Four | She's Not My Girlfriend

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    Thursday went by rather fast, being as nothing too exciting happened. The same went for Friday. Well, in Louis's mind Friday morning went by fast. He anticipated the class and wasn't sure why. The last class wasn't too exciting, Brianna was still out sick, and had sent Louis an email saying she would be out next week as well. He let her know that that was fine and sent her some things she could do at home. Today was going to be another ice-breaker. He had sent them all an email after school ended yesterday, telling them to bring something important from home with them for today. He had done the same, of course, because it was good to connect with your students. He had brought a small bracelet, one his mother made for him as a child. He carried it with him wherever he went. Well, not everywhere, really, because he didn't want to risk losing it. It was made of string, kind of like those friendship bracelets you make in primary school. He just sat in his desk chair, staring down at it. He knew that he had a bad habit of zoning out, but he wasn't sure how to stop it, especially when he was alone doing nothing. He jumped when the door to his room swung open and put the bracelet in his jeans pocket. In walked that teacher from before. Who he couldn't remember the name of, so he just smiled. "Hey, Mr. Tomlinson," the lady beamed, walking in. Louis tried plastering on a smile, checking his watch for the time. The bell would be ringing shortly, but not soon enough. He wished for it to hurry up and ring so he didn't have to talk to her. She walked over to him, "I just finished my lunch and thought I'd check up in here," she continued smiling, which made Louis want to roll his eyes, "You know there's a staff lunchroom, right? So you don't have to be so lonely in here," she pouted a bit, and Louis was about to say something when the bell sounded. She didn't leave, though. "Don't you have a class next," he asked a bit harsher than intended. Her smile falters, "Sorry, um," he bites his lip, "Ms. James, right? Sorry, I didn't mean to sound rude, I've just got students coming in soon," he explained as nicely as possible. And as if everything in the world was lining up for disaster, Harry, Liam, and Zayn walked into the room, eyeing the other teacher. Louis glanced at them apologetically, and Zayn and Liam chuckle. Harry's eyes flick between the lady he probably didn't know and his Drama teacher. Louis averts his gaze from the curly-haired boy's and clears his throat. "Well, I suppose I should go then, Louis," Ms. James coos a bit. Louis internally cringes, "Mr. Tomlinson," he corrects her as she walks off. When she finally gets out of the room, the three other students walk in as well. Liam whistles, "Mr. Tomlinson, wow. How'd you manage to do that," Liam says cheekily. The older man just rolled his eyes, "She came up to me on my first day, and I haven't spoken to her since then. Much to her dismay, I suppose, I'm not interested," Mr. Tomlinson coughed and signaled for his students to sit in a circle, just like they had done the first day. He sat in the middle, and looked around at his students. "I emailed everyone to bring something with them for today's ice-breaker, yeah? I hope you all have done so. It would be disappointing to see otherwise," he smiled timidly and he reached in his pocket, "I'll start this time," he says quietly as he takes out the bracelet. "Now, I know this whole concept may seem silly, but it's important to get to know your classmates, even if you knew them before I got here. This bracelet came from my mother, she gave it to me when I was in primary school. It's important to me just in general because she was my mother of course, but since I moved and haven't seen her in a while I keep this with me, at home of course," he finished his sentence and looked up at his students. They were all smiling, and Louis smiled back at them. His eyes stopped on Harry, who was picking at his nails. "Harry, are you listening," Louis asked, and Harry looked up at him, nodding, "Yeah, sorry," he muttered. "'M sorry," he says shyly. Harry looked sympathetic and he looked like he was concerned. Louis just nodded, "It's okay, Harry, just pay attention," Louis says. Harry nodded curtly and reached into his hoodie pocket, pulling out a folded up piece of paper. "Th-this was something from my dad," Harry stares at the paper, and Niall (who was next to him) wrapped an arm around his friend's shoulder, rubbing his arm. "My dad isn't here, but it wasn't anything bad, really. I just miss him sometimes," Harry frowned, his eyebrows furrowing as he opened the page, staring at the drawing his dad drew for him when he was a young child. It was just a drawing of Harry himself, and his dad was no professional, but it didn't make it any less touching. "Yeah, that's all," Harry glanced up at his peers and smiled a bit sadly. He ignored the look his teacher was giving him, one of sympathy. He didn't need to acknowledge that, since he wouldn't do anything about it anyway. He folded the paper up again and shoved it into his pocket. He heard Niall talk next, and he started off paying attention but got lost in thought without realizing it. He didn't think about his dad that much, but he was right now. It hurt, he admitted to himself. He always wondered if he was the reason for it. He would never know, and just the thought of that caused a lump to form in his throat. Niall elbowed Harry out of nowhere, causing the boy to flinch. Everyone had stood up already and Harry followed suit, even after realizing it late. He blushed out of embarrassment. "I've decided that Fridays will be the day during the school week where you will have time to work on your end-of-the-year project. That project is just you creating a scene on your own. You will be performing that scene near the end of the year, and I've decided the scene has to be five to ten minutes long. For some of you that might be a challenge, but I have faith in all of you. Come up with your own characters, your own ideas, everything," Mr. Tomlinson smiled warmly, "I'll give you the rest of the class to work on it, then I'll see you next week, I suppose. Other than Brianna, she won't be here next week, unfortunately," he lightly chuckled, moving to sit down at his desk. Everyone watched him as he did so. Well, Harry thought everyone else was watching him as well, but that wasn't true. Harry's eyes followed his teacher as he took a pink lolly out of his drawer and unwrapped it, slipping it into his mouth. "You're staring," Zayn muttered. Harry turns away, "I-I um...sorry. kinda zoned out. Miss my dad, haven't thought about him in a while," he bites his lip. "'S alright, mate. You can't help it, can you," he says quietly. "I guess, yeah," Harry mumbled a bit sadly. Zayn looked at him, frowning. "Love you, man," he ruffled his friend's hair. Harry chuckled, making Zayn smile. The four friends loved each other dearly, and they each had their own thing about them. Niall always knew things about people, no matter who they were. Zayn was honest and supporting, and Liam was just silly. Harry wasn't sure what he brought to the group. He was just...there. The four of them sat together while Mariah and Jordan sat on the other side of the room.

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