Ch. Twenty | Preparation

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Trigger warning for brief seggsual harassment

Tuesday was now here and both Louis and Harry had restless nights. Louis started driving to Eleanor's place where he would be staying. The funeral was taking place a couple of hours away from Doncaster, so he figured since Eleanor lived closer to the place he would just stay with her. She agreed and told him he'd have to take the couch, but he didn't care. He just didn't want to stay in a musty motel.

He got lost in the radio, listening in on the weather and other unimportant news. Eventually they stopped with the news and advertisements and started playing music. Louis smiled a bit as Mr. Brightside started playing through the speakers of his car. He reached his hand over and turned up the volume, really getting lost rather quickly in one of his favourite tunes. When it ended he pouted. He eyed a gas station coming up on his left and figured he could use a Red Bull, so he flicked his turn signal on and turned into the small gas station parking lot. He was about to turn off the car and get out when his phone started ringing. He took the key out of the ignition, and picked up his phone, hitting the answer button, "Yes, El? I'm about an hour away, what's up?"

"How soon will you get here, Lou," Eleanor asks. Louis gets out of his car, locking it and clearing his throat. "I said I was 'bout an hour away, why," he questioned as he stuffed his keys into his pocket and walked into the gas station, "I had to stop by to get a Red Bull real quick," he told the girl. "Great, great. The crematorium said your..." he trailed off. "I know, El. It's fine, we knew it'd happen eventually. Now, are they almost done," he continues, walking to the refrigerators, opening one with the energy drinks and grabbing two Red Bulls. "Yeah, just...let me know if the traffic is bad. I can go get it if need be," she rushed, making Louis laugh, sadness underlying the sound. "El, you worry too much. I'll make it. Hey, gotta go, love you babe, stop worrying," he said before hanging up. When he put his phone in his pocket and looked up, his eyes met a stare of someone strange. Like, fifty-year-old-man strange. Louis frowned, his facial expression reading disgust as he one-overs the man, shaking his head. The man just walked straight over to Louis. "Looks like you're interested, then, glancing at me like that, love," he smirks. Louis turns and scoffs, making his way up to the cash register, quickly buying his two drinks and grabbing the bag and his receipt. The guy stood outside, apparently waiting for Louis like a massive creep. "Got a fine bum, babe, bet you like it up-"

"Fuck you, creep," Louis's mouth went agape in shock and disgust. "That's the goal. I like twinks like you," he bites his lip, checking Louis out slowly. Louis rushes to his car, "Missed opportunity, there, love," the man shouts behind him. Louis scoffs and gets into his car, locking it and opening a can of one of his much-needed energy drinks. Out of his rearview mirror he could see the man staring at his car, noticing Louis's look and winking. Louis wanted to reverse his car and hit the guy, hitting him dead. He restrained, turning his car on and setting his now half-empty drink in the cupholder in the center console. He backed out of the lot and drove off, back on his way to his destination.


"Yes, I'm here under Tomlinson, Louis Tomlinson? For-"

"Yes, yes, Mr. Tomlinson, we have, um, Jay here," the cremator smiles solemnly, nodding curtly. "So sorry for the loss of your mum, sir. All my blessings," he sighs, "Now, it's time to finalize everything. You've prepaid nine-hundred and fifty pounds, correct?"

"Yes, sir, that was the total cost," Louis confirmed, nodding but staring at the ground. "Great. We've put her in the urn you requested, light blue, embossed with carvings of poppies and carnations, correct?"

"Yes, sir."

"Okay," he turns around, picking up the said urn. Louis looks up, and reaches his hands out as the ceramic filled with the ashes of his dead mum was passed to him. Ouch. The truth of the situation left a stab at the blue-eyed man's heart. It ached for nothing but the tight embrace of his own mother. Tough luck, though, innit? He walked out of the place, carefully and safely placing the tiny vase in a box lined with bubble wrap to which he sat in the passenger seat. He got into the car and started it up. He glanced at his phone that was sitting on the center console, and contemplated calling Eleanor. However that idea was cut short by Eleanor doing just that: calling him. He instantly grabbed his phone and picked up. "El, I was just about to call you. I just picked up the urn, on my way over now," Louis set his phone down and put it on speaker, starting to drive to his friend's house. "Good, your sisters are here, Lottie and Fizzy and Daisy," she explained. Louis heard a faint "Hey Lou" from Lottie. "Hey Lots, I'll be over soon, don't worry. I love you," Louis pulled out of the parking lot, driving his way to his brown-haired friend's house as fast as he legally could. Maybe going over by five, maybe not, the world may never know. He turned on the radio to try and ignore the thoughts running through his head.

If he was honest with himself his mum, this trip and the funeral weren't the only things on his mind.

He thought about his work, his students, and maybe one in particular kept fluttering through his mind, and his heart, and his entire body. Yes, Harry. Did he mean it when he said he would change his attitude, or was going to be a better kid? Louis sure hoped so.


"Harry, come on, give me my pencil back," Brianna laughed, jumping as Harry held it high over her said. "How's the weather down there, Brianna?"

"You jerk," Brianna pouted and crossed her arms. Harry mocked her, pouting back, "Aw, alright, alright," Harry grinned cheekily, giving the blonde her pencil back. "Fine, you priss," he stuck his tongue out. Brianna shoves him lightly, shoving the pencil in her back pocket. "Jerk," she repeated, scrunching her nose. Niall butts into the conversation, chasing Brianna away before grabbing Harry, despite his protests. "Niall, my God, what," Harry rubs his bicep when his blue-eyed friend lets him go. "You're acting different. Like, not a total prick, what happened?"

"Wow, thanks," Harry rolled his eyes. "But really, I told Mr. Tomlinson I'd act better because blah blah I've been a bad kid."

"Ooh," Niall coos, "Did you get punished like a bad, bad boy?"

"Ew," Harry nudges Niall harshly, but ducks his head and blushes, trying to force away the dirty thoughts he couldn't help but think about after that.

Maybe he gets distracted with the daft thoughts of being pinned against-

"Haz! The bell's gonna ring," Niall claps his hands in front of his friend's face. Niall knew the curly-haired boy too well, he read the expression he got on his face after mentioning Mr. Tomlinson. Harry's eyes went along the lines of "I'm confused" but his flaming cheeks told the blonde boy "Hey, yeah, I'd like to be a bad boy". It was as funny as it was depressing. Niall just wanted the best for his best mate is all. But doing such a thing as trying to get him to be with his teacher was strictly and plainly wrong. Didn't make it suck any less. Maybe harry just needed to go on a date. He'd set one up for this weekend, and make sure Harry would go.

"Oh, lovely Harry," Niall sings, drawing out the 'a'. "What, Niall," Harry grumbles as they make their way out of the room and towards their lockers. "It's official. I'm setting you up on a date."


"Too late. His name's Nick, lovely lad. Real handsome, you'll love him," Niall takes out his phone, texting someone then showing Harry what he said. It Was to a contact named 'Nick G'. Harry read the text out loud while he took out his books for English, "Hey, Nick, got you a long-awaited date. His name is Harry Styles. This weekend at the nice cafe 'round downtown. Thanks," Harry sighed heavily, slamming his locker shut, "I hate you," he grumbled, starting to walk again.


"Louis, oh god, it's so good to see you," Eleanor pulled Louis into a tight embrace, almost squeezing his guts out. He hugged her back, of course. Then it was his sisters.

They cried until they all fell into their midday sleeps, waking up around three to go over the plans for tomorrow and Thursday and Friday morning.

Louis internally chuckled. Friday morning? Mourning? Either works, really.


Don't hate meee tooo muchhh <3 hehe



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