Ch. Twenty-Five | Guilt

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They all grabbed their papers and started writing for a couple of minutes, until they had to read out loud. Some students didn't read some of their answers, but Harry was planning on it. He was already having a bad day and now these bullshit questions that offered no real purpose in life was the assignment for today. He completely understood the ice-breaker idea (despite it being near the end of the year, and the seven peers knew each other well enough, he supposed it helped build character. Or something stupid like that). It was just the fact the first two were so primary-school level. Colours? Pets? What does that offer them in the future? Right, nothing.

The young man kept reading over the questions and his answers he scribbled down anyway while other people were sharing. His focus wasn't great, as shown in his other classes, when it came to him to speak about his answers, he couldn't stop stuttering. He read his first answer.

1. What is your favourite colour? Explain how that became your favourite colour and how you think it represents you.

i really like orange don't know why i just do, it's a fun colour. orange is usually a bright colour and id like to think im a pretty bright person in terms of being fun to be around although im not sure

2. Do you have any pets? If you do, describe them, and how they make you feel. If you do not, explain what pet you would want and why.

i don't have any pets but i like cats so that's why i'd have a cat

3. Describe a time you failed, but got back up and tried again. Talk about your ideas on persistence and how failure can affect someone. What is something you're good at? And explain how that makes you feel.

once i failed a science test and tried again but still failed so im not sure how persistent i can be with that but failure hurts people so that made me feel like shit. i dont know what im good at, my friends think im funny so i guess that. i dont know how it makes me feel other than happy.

"Harry! Are you gonna read your answers, mate," Liam snaps in front of the green-eyed lad's face, who shakes his head, curls moving with the movement. "Yeah, sorry," he mumbles. "'S alright, lad," Liam warmly smiled at his friend, leaning over to whisper in his ear, "I wanna see you smile though," he ruffles Harry's hair, who couldn't help to smile even at that. "There we go! A smile! Wow, incredible," Liam claps, "Now, on to your answers," he points at Harry's paper. Harry nods, opening his mouth to speak. "N-number one, I noted that I really like orange, I don't know how it started or why, I just like it...a lot, I guess," he clears his throat, "I-I feel like it represents me because I'm usually an energetic person. I mean today...I'm just tired, but I'd like to think I'm a rather fun person to be 'round, yeah," he smiled just a bit. Brianna, who was sat next to Harry's left, (Liam was on his right) leaned down a bit, green eyes meeting Harry's own, "'Course you're a fun lad, Harry! Everyone gets tired. We're all glad you're well enough to come back," she patted his shoulder, and they softly smiled at each other. Mr. Tomlinson cleared his throat, "Any answers for the other questions, Harry," he asked, and the lad's green eyes looked up to see his teacher's gaze stuck coldly on Brianna, who was chatting with Zayn for a bit. Mr. Tomlinson's eyes flicked to the taller boy, who immediately looked down at his paper before they could make proper eye-contact.

"F-for two I didn't write much here, I don't have pets and if I could have one it'd be a cat. 'Cause I like them, I like cats," he nodded to himself, moving on. Or, was going to before, "I'll need a better answer," Mr. Tomlinson commented. Harry bit his quivering lip. "I don't have anything else on that, I'm sorry sir. I just like cats. Nice animal, that's all," he mumbled. His teacher said nothing. Harry finally moved on after fighting back guilty tears. "Um, one time I failed was when..."

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