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Lawyer: The spaza and the bus are for Nomthandazo for her well being. My evil step mom jumped and threw her head wrap on the and looked at me.
Her: You evil child, you turned my husband against me. Uthi sizodlani thina?( what are we going to eat) sihlale la sibuke izidonga( are we to sit here and watch the wall)
Malume: nje wena uthandana no Tshisha ( don't you have a boyfriend who is a teacher?) than the whole room erupted in noise. I got up and walked out of the house. I walked till I got to the river bank of the river. I stood there and watched the water slowly find it way around rocks.
Me: Ow kodwa baba wami usezulweni, ngezani mina ukuthi impilo yamie ibe nje?( oh my heavenly father, what did I ever do to deserve such a life?) When am I Ever going to find peace? Was I born to forever struggle? To always go things? To always endure? When is my happy ending? My struggles are beyond me and now I have reached my threshold. Siza baba thethelela ingane yakho( I give my life to you). I stood there and watched the water as tears ran down my face. I turned to find one of the twins. I wasn't sure if it was the one ill marry or not.
Him: sisi( sister) I knew it wasn't the one ill marry as he smiled at me.
Me: bhuti( brother) I looked down doing my best not to look into his eyes as a form of respect.
Him: Am Langa.
Me: Nomthandazo
Langa: sorry to follow you but ngathi awukho right( It like you not okay)
Me: how can I be when I live in a world where men are deciding my future without asking me what do I want?
Langa: I hear you and ill tell you the same thing I told my brother. Your future and destiny was written in the stars long before you yourself knew what you want with your life. Give in to the universe and let it lead you. I looked up for a second and looked down.
Me: sometimes its feels like my strength is forever tested.
Langa: That what happens to people who are born to lead. They are forever tested.
Me: What you mean " born to lead?"
Langa: You don't know? I looked at him confused and he smiled. " This is going to be interesting. He smiled and took out a big roll and a chipper and started chipping it and I watched in fascination as iv never seen this cigarettes before. When done he placed it in his mouth.
Langa: Just be happy they never set you up with me because life would have been hell nami. You got the Good twin and a responsible man. Am not saying this because his my twin but be glad its him not any other frog out there. He smiled and dragged his thing and exhaled.

After a few hours of waiting we were finally on our way. We drove to Newcastle and got to the airstrip where the jet was parked. We found our guards there and they helped with things. Nomthandazo looked curiously at everything and everyone. Skhulu walked to her and bowed.
Skhulu: Ndlovukazi (Queen) she smiled and looked down. I looked at skhulu and shook my head since she never knew what exactly she getting herself into. The pilot gave us a thumbs up.
Nomthandazo: uhm... we going in? I looked at her and I saw the fear.
Me: Never been in a Jet? She nervously giggled and shook her head. I took out a sleeping pill and walked to get water. Came back and gave it to her to drink. She took it without asking me what up? I signalled for the pilot to wait.

He walked me to the car and told me to sit. I did and he stood there watching me. I did my best not to look at him but his staring was to much to ignore.
Me: Am sorry
Yanga: for?
Me: All if this. Messing with your plan.
Yanga: rest close your eyes. I did as I was told as suddenly my body relaxed and all I was thinking about was rest.

Me: you did good. I was standing with my father and grandfather as we watched my brother stand there with his hands in his pocket staring at her.
Dad: he needed this.
Grandfather: we not losing him again.
Me: well you talking about the worlds most powerful man. We shall see. Just than he got in the car and picked up his wife with the glum face and walked towards us.
Yanga: she never been on a plane so I gave her sleeping pill and it knocked her off. I laughed. Trust my brother to come up with that solution. If I was him and I just got hooked up with a goddess like Nomthandazo. Ill be calming her down by making her sit in my lap who knows Where things may lead too. He got in placed her on seat and positioned it in a way she was comfortable. We all sat properly and we took off. While the conversation bloomed I watched my brother stared at his wife and I saw a yearning in him that I have never seen him show in his life. Maybe this time my father got it right. Maybe this is it that will bring him back.

I woke up and looked around the room I was in. I closed my eyes trying to remember and I remember being afraid to get on a plane and having tablets. I felt the soft pillow to my skin. I got up and stretched than walked around the lightly lit room. I opened the door and saw a bathroom so I got in and pee than gargled my mouth. I saw a shower so I undressed and took a quick shower and when done I wrapped myself in a towel and walked out and found my bed made. There was a woman a little older than me but not to old. She was breathtaking beautiful. She bowed and stood and smiled. This is a second time some one bowed at me.
Me: uhm swabona( greetings)
Her: Yebo Ndlovukazi ( my Queen) I smiled at her and looked at her confused at the same time than the door opened and I saw Yanga. I quickly grabbed the gown on the end of the bed and covered myself since a towel wasn't enough. I saw her bow as he walked in And he nodded.
Yanga: you up?
Me: Yes. Sorry.
Yanga: for? I shrugged.
Yanga: You have meet your helper. He pointed to the lady at the corner.
Me: my helper? I asked confused. He looked at me with serious eyes.
Yanga: uhm... how about you come to my office when you done. We will have breakfast in there alone. I nodded he walked to the lady and whispered something than he left. I stood there confused as she looked at me with a kind smile. I sat on the edge of the bed. " lord what did I get myself into?"...

Nomthandazo Where stories live. Discover now