Dont Tell Me What To Do

186 11 4

Mariens pov.

Your joking right, Ocean asked.

I scowled at the wall.

No, I'm being very serious I told Ocean.

Marien, I'm pretty sure they made this room so we wouldn't be able to shift, don't you think Ocean said, her sarcastic tone getting on my nerves.

Ocean, Shut up.

Ocean snickered.

Step 1: Break the camera.

As planned, I threw my shoes, at the camera and made sure to break it in the process. Once it gave a loud shatter sound, I smiled in joy.

It worked! I exclaimed to Ocean.

No shit Captain Obvious Ocean told me.

I narrowed my eyes, but shrugged her comment off.

Step 2: Shift.

I began to think about my wolf form. About my white and black fur coat, how my feet look, everything I could possibly point out about my wolf.

In seconds flat, I was in my wolf form, and looking at the door.

Ocean it worked! I shifted! I told her

I smiled to myself and looked at the door. I got ready to pounce on anyone who came in, and this time, I'm escaping.

I'm coming for you Ryan.


Malancies pov.

Stupid Ryan. Stupid People. Stupid Landon!

I can't believe him.

I can Macy told me

I rolled my eyes and growled.

Shut up, Macy. I do not want to hear it I told her

I could tell Macy rolled her eyes at me, but I kept my knees to my chest. I closed my eyes for a second and took in a deep breath.

I heard my door creaking open, and I lifted my head up to see Ryan standing there with his arms crossed over his chest.

"I want you to come see someone" Ryan said

I let my knees fall and I gave Ryan a blank look.

"Good for you, now leave" I replied.

Ryan rolled his eyes, and motioned for someone to enter my cage. I groaned when I saw Landon enter with a pissed off face.

"Stand up" He ordered me.

I glared harder at Landon, and crossed my arms over my chest.

"No" I said stubbornly.

Landon rolled his eyes and with one swift movement he grabbed my arm (rather harshly) and made me stand up. I glared at him even more.

"Don't touch me" I growled.

I snatched my arm from his grip, and looked at Ryan.

"What the hell do you want, I'm really not in the freaking mood" I told Ryan

Ryan smiled.

"You can thank me later dear" Ryan said.

Landon pushed me forward, probably signaling for me to walk. I sighed and walked anyway.

As we walked, I could feel the very thick tension in the air. I of course didn't care, but Landon seemed to make it his life's mission to make my life a living hell.

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