A Girl Can Dream

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^^^Samuel Everyone^^^

Malancie's pov.

I sat silently studying my uncle. His hair was a raven black color, his deep blue eyes were stressed but relieved, he had on a red shirt with black pants, and yet seeing him here with his clothes and features, I still touched his face to see if he was actually here.

Scooting up a bit on the leather black couch, I reached my hand out to touch his hair and he watched me as if I was the crazy one. He quickly slapped away my hand with a stern look.

"Don't touch the hair" He told me.

I smiled and attacked him with a hug.

"It's really you!" I shouted.

He chuckled and hugged me back.

"I missed you too kiddo" He said, ruffling my hair.

I quickly fixed my hair with a scowl.

"Don't touch the hair" I told him in the same tone he used.

He let out a laugh and I couldn't help but smile.

"That's enough" Alex said with a growl

I slowly sat back down on the couch beside Tyler with a worried look, I looked at Alex who had a grim expression. I literally could feel the tension in the air, it was as thick as black smoke. I looked at Alex then at Uncle Tom, the two seemed to have a staring contest, as if seeing which one would give up their ego and look away.

I looked at Lexi and saw she had the same worried look as myself. I swallowed and looked at the two men. I don't have a clue as to why Alex is so pissed at my uncle. I also don't understand why he doesn't want me to interact with my uncle.

Lexi stood up and waved her arms signaling the end of the staring contest. Alex looked at Lexi while Lexi gave Alex a long and hard stare as if daring him to disobey.

I looked at Tom to see him smirking at Alex, knowing he couldn't do anything about it. Alex glared at Tom.

I let out a huff and rolled my eyes, of course Uncle Tom would be as so childish as to rub it in Alex's face that he won.

I rested my head on Tyler's shoulder, who reacted by pulling me closer. I looked up at his face and he gave me a reassuring smile. It made me feel a little better but I still couldn't pass the feeling of concern I had for the two men in this room.

Closing my eyes I felt two stares burning into my chest. Opening my eyes I look at Alex and Tom who have turned their attention to Tyler and I. Both of them glared at Tyler. I let out a desperate sigh and scooted away from Tyler, so they wouldn't rip him to shreds. I looked at Tyler who looked really nervous. He looked at me as if pleading for me to get them to stop, knowing I couldn't do anything I looked at Lexi, who nodded.

"Would you two leave the boy alone" Lexi snapped

Tom still glared at Tyler but Alex looked at Lexi with a disappointed look. Lexi turned to Uncle Tom.

"Hey" She said

"That means you too" She snapped

Tom gave one last glare before looking away, and mumbling some words under his breath with a huff.

"Thank you" I told Lexi, stretching out the words to show my gratitude.

"No problem" She shrugged and took a seat beside Alex, who quickly snaked his arm around her waist and pulled her closer.

Letting out another sigh I rest my head in my palm and stared at Tom and Alex.

"I can't stand this" I said standing up and looking at the men sternly.

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