Bad Choices, and Bad Decisions

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Malancies Pov.

Waking up startled, I sat up quickly. Looking around all I saw was white, I looked down at myself and I was wearing everything white, my shoes, my dress, and my Crown!

Sadly all I could think about, is how horrible their sense of fashion is.... I was also upset that they took my beautiful crown away, I was honestly loving the attention, with the crown, rolling my eyes I silently scowl at the wall, I can't honestly be thinking about clothes, I'm in a strange room, I got drugged!

Oh god I got drugged!

It must have been that boy!

Gasping, I stood up and stumbled to the door and threw it open, or at least tried to. Looking through the small window on the door, the hallway looked almost empty, I tried to take in every detail, but there wasn't really anything to take in. All white, the floor, the walls, heck maybe even the stains were white!

Groaning I slumped down against the wall.

Think! Malancie. Think!

Wait a minute, my shadow.

My Shadow!

Oh how long has it been since I used my Shadowing Gift. Let me explain. When I turned 12 years old, 1 year after my parents death, I somehow, watched myself sitting down. It was pretty creepy. I was sitting down with my eyes closed, and I was breathing really softly. I was watching myself.. I looked at my hand, that looked almost like air, but visible. It was so weird. Then the next day I met a witch, Johan. She told me about my ability to be able to shadow, she said it was rare almost too rare. That was the day I finally understood what my parents met by "Growing up to be very strong and special".

Anyway since I found out I've practiced to control it. So far my shadow self can wander around for more than three hours. Even though it's a very awesome gift, I have to be very careful. If I work my shadow self for too long, I can forever be lost, and I won't be able to return to my body.

I've kept my gift from everybody, even my sisters. I just can't tell anybody my power or millions of people will target me. My gift leaked out once, which is why I lived in the woods, for my safety.

Concentrating, I closed my eyes and cleared my mind. I then imaged myself wander off, I slowed down my breathing and fell my shadow self to slowly slip away.

Feeling a huge force I let out a gasp. Looking back at my body I studied it. I look so peaceful, my black hair was a mess, no doubt from being on the ground, my lips were horribly chapped, and my eyes were closed. turning back around I make my way through the door. I tried opening it through the outside but it wouldn't budge which meant it needed a key. Looking around I spotted two men. Knowing they wouldn't be able to see me I walked right past them. Wandering around, I looked for keys. None of the guards carried any, at least none of the ones I saw carried any. Taking a right, I walked inside a opened room. Looking around I noticed it was a break room of some type. There was a coffee machine, a micro wave, a basket full of cookies and other stuff. Taking a few cookies I hid them inside my pants.

There was another room in that break room. going through it I saw Landon, confirming my assumptions of him drugging me. Glaring I looked around the room, and listen to his conversation.

"I want my brother" Landon yelled his accent thick.

"In time Landon, we still have one more job for you". A man with a black mustache said swaying in his chair.

"What more do you want? I drugged the girls, I have done my part, so now do yours!" Landon snarled.

"Not completely" The mustache man said

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