Gone Girl

200 11 3

Just in case we forgot how Lanie looked, she's on the side.

Tom's pov.

"Dammit!" I yelled slamming my hands on the table.

I turned around and stomped out of the room, we were currently in. I stopped by the hallway and furiously ran a hand through my black slick hair.

I was mad, no I was more than mad, I was furious.

When I finally find my nieces, they get taken away from me, again. I let out a desperate breath and slid down the wall. I held my head in between my knees and thought about how Fucked Up my life is.

4 years ago I lost my only family member and sister in law I truly cared about, and not only that but the pack I devoted my life to. Then for those four years, I believed my nieces, died in the fight. Now I know they aren't dead, but very much alive, and they get kidnapped. Fucking Kidnapped!

Now I'm usually not one to cry, seeing as I've been through hell my whole life. But I wanted to cry, more then anything. My only family members, that remained were possibly going to die, and I will be left with nothing again.

I would imagine my face expression is cold, but weak, and pathetic. I internally scoffed at how weak and pathetic I'm being at this moment. I lifted my head up from my knees and stared ahead at the wall. It's white color, with the small little dust spots, kinda represented my family, pure, but tinted.

I felt something wet and salty enter my mouth and after I brought my hand up to see what it was that could actually be on my face, I strangely recognized it as a tear. I stared at my wet hand. Suddenly I felt a wave of guilt overwhelm me and before I knew it more tears poured out of my eyes, and I sobbed quietly to myself.

I furiously wiped the tears away from my eyes, and leaned forward as I held my face in my hands.


I slowly looked up at the soft famine voice, and recognized Lexi walking towards me with a worried look. I straightened my posture and wiped my eyes to rid of the tears and looked at her with a questioning look.

"Are you ok" She asked crouching down in front of me.

She placed a hand on my shoulder, to comfort me.

"I'm fine" I said, my voice sounding rough and groggily.

Lexi sighed and smiled sadly.

"You don't have to lie to me, I don't judge" She said as she removed her hand from my shoulder and placed it back to her side.

I stared at her, and wondered how she expected me to talk about my feelings with someone I just met a couple of hours ago.

"I don't want to talk" I told her looking away, and not meeting her gaze.

I let out a small breath and stared at the wall behind her.

"I know how your feeling" She muttered

A flash of anger went through me at her words.

"You don't know how I'm feeling" I growled dangerously

She looked at me, as if trying to figure me out.

"I do know how your feeling, believe it or not, Thomas" She said, slightly irritated.

I watched as she leaned against the wall in front of me.

"What do you want, Lexi" I asked, not wanting to loose my temper with her.

Lexi sighed, and looked away from my gaze.

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