Live or Die

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Mariens pov.

I couldn't breathe, My heart stopped. I fell to the ground staring at my little sisters dead body. Tears ran down my face. Anger Built inside me. Everything seem to be mute. I couldn't hear, a sound. Ryan talked, but I didn't hear him, his lips were moving, but I didn't make a sound. I watched in horror as blood gushed out of Lanie's neck.

I crawled to her, because I was too weak to walk. I trembled as I crawled. My hands shook furiously, as I got to her body. I picked her up delicately, and brought her to my chest staining my white shirt in red blood. I cried, and sobbed. I held her tightly and I softly racked back and forth. I rested my face on her chest and sniffled. I sobbed even more, this is all my fault. I held Lanie's face and stared at her. She was paler than pale, and she was beginning to get cold. I held her closer.

I felt something rough grip my shoulder and pull me off of my sister.

"No!" I screamed

I watched as they began to pull her away from my sight. Then the door closed.

"No!" I screamed

I got up and ran to the door. I pounded on it, I pounded on it until my hands began to bleed. Once I realized it was useless I slid down the door, crying even harder. My little sister is gone, because of me.

Malancies pov.

I fell down to the ground, As I lost my breath. Landon turned around and looked at me with worry.

"What's wrong?" He asked

My chest began to hurt and my head felt very heavy.

"I-I don't know" I told him honestly

"How long has it been since you've been in shadow mode" Landon asked

I tried to focus, and count how many minutes I've been in shadow mode. My eyes widened as I found out the answer.

I didn't even have to say anything as Landon picked me up and began running to my cell. We did so many turns that my head began to get dizzy.

"Hang in there" Landon whispered

My eye lids started to feel heavy and I tried my hardest to fight it off. I knew I had to make a decision, of whether to live or to die.

I chose to live.

So with every fiber and strength in my body I stayed awake and I sucked in oxygen. As much as it hurt to breath, I did it anyway.

I will not die.

I repeated those words in my head over and over again.

I will not die.

It was when Landon finally reached my cell 6.2.6. That I finally felt relived.

He quickly went through the door and placed me on top of my body. As soon as he did that I began to sink into my body and I lurched up and sucked in a huge breath. I was panting very hard as I looked around my cell furiously.

I spotted Landon in the far right corner.

"Don't look my way, and don't talk to me" Landon said

I didn't look his way.

"Their watching you" He told me

Instinctively, I looked around for a camera.

"Thank you" I said looking up at the camera.

"You're welcome" Landon told me.

"I need to get back to my body, seeing as I won't have anyone to carry me" Landon joked

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