905 27 151

New filler chapter to apologize for not updating for so long 



~Class A-holes~

@Can'tStopTwinkling: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ FLIP THIS TABLE

@Can'tStopTwinkling: ┻━┻ ︵ ヽ(°□°ヽ) FLIP THAT TABLE

@Can'tStopTwinkling: ┻━┻ ︵ \('0')// ︵ ┻━┻ FLIP ALL THE TABLES

ಠ_ಠ Child. . .

ಠ_ಠ Put.

ಠ__ಠ The tables.

ಠ___ಠ Back.

@Can'tStopTwinkling: (╮°-°)╮┳━┳


<)   )╯because I'm
 /     \


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What have I just walked into?

@Earphone.Jack: Utopia

If this is what Heaven is like, then sorry Satan. I've left the Dark Side. Your M&Ms are terrible anyway

@Tentacole: They're *Shudder* Sugarfree


@Tailman: Oh shit


@Anima: ;-;

Anywaysssss has anybody seen Mina? She promised she'd watch a Movie with me later

@Uravity: I haven't seen her, sorry Toru

Can't believe she bailed out of our Date 🙄

@Froppy: Speaking of which, didn't TodoBaku and KiriKami go on a Double date today?

Yes, but I think something terribly wrong must have happened because I saw Denki come inside and run upstairs in tears, Bakugo looking pissed (although that's not that unusual), Todoroki looking confused, and Kirishima no where in sight. I think I actually saw Mina follow Denki upstairs with Sero. Come to think of it, I haven't seen any of them since they came back.

@Earphone.Jack: You THINK something is wrong?

Alright alright. Something is most Definitely wrong.

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