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Todoroki practically dragged his Ash Blonde Boyfriend through the building, only letting go when they reached Kirishima's dorm so he could kick the door down. "KIRISHIMA DID YOU- oh".

Kirishima looked up, not at all fazed by the fact that the usually calm Candy Cane had just murdered his door. He smiled at them and wiped a few tears off his face. "Hey, guys, what's up"?

"Don't you 'What's Up' us. You've seen Pikachu's Post, haven't you?" Bakugo glared at the redhead who just stared at his phone, trying his hardest not to break out crying in front of them, but failing miserably. He told them all about his call with his Boyfriend with Tears pouring down his face like there was no tomorrow. The two boys sitting in front of him were staring at each other as if they were sharing thoughts, but he took no notice of them. He stared at his phone as if expecting to get a text from Denki telling him he was on his way home and that it was okay. His phone dinged as he stared at the screen.

He was just imagining things, right? He was hoping for it so hard, he's seeing things. Besides, the "Message" on the screen wasn't even readable. It was just a bunch of random symbols. The boy wiped the tears out of his eyes and looked back at the screen. The message was still glowing on the screen. What the-

Kirishima moved the phone up to level with his red eyes, not even noticing the two who had moved to his side to read the message as well.

"The fuck does that even say?" said the explosive blond on his left.

"It's not someone from my contacts, I don't know what this is".

"Wait Hold on". The two turned towards the taller boy on Kirishima's right. "I think I've seen these symbols before. This is- my mom's taught me this". He smiled slightly before taking the phone from Kirishima and decoding the message. "Help Mi- no, Me. 'Help Me'..." He Glanced at the other two who were staring at him and processing this new information. He slowly turned his head back to the phone and went to Kirishima's call history. The top number, which he assumed was the number Kaminari called through, was different from the one the message came from. He tried calling the number Kirishima talked to, but...

"The number doesn't exist anymore..." He looked at the other two for a brief second before quickly turning back to the screen to check the other number. The Location was on. It wasn't far from the dorms. Both Bakugo and Todoroki nearly fell off the bed as Kirishima had shot up and jumped over the edge to get to his closet.

"We're Going. NOW! We have to save him"!


It was windy, but something inside was protecting them from the cold. The fact that they were finally going to get their friend back (though Bakugo wouldn't admit it) distracted them from the fact that they were shivering from head to toe. Kirishima walked in front with his phone on at the location, leading the other two who were walking behind him hand-in-hand.

"How Much Longerrrrrr?" the short boy behind Kirishima groaned.

"Just a little while to go, Man". He picked up his pace, causing the others to stumble as they tried to catch up.

"Kirishima, slow down. We still don't know where we're going and whether it's safe. We should stop a little away from the actual location to process what we're facing and to devise a strategy." The Redhead stopped abruptly and the other two bumped into him.

"What the fuck, Shitty Hair"? He showed them his phone and the little dot that represented them was a short distance away from the red dot that they were trying to get to. The trio turned towards where the location would be. "Alright, you're POSITIVE we're not lost, right"?

There was nothing there except flat land. "Um, this is where the phone says the location is, so where is- AHHHHHHHHHHH"! The Ground beneath them disappeared and they fell several feet. The three boys hit the ground hard and opened their eyes to a dark room, with a light on them, though when they looked up, the hole which they had fallen from had sealed and there was no light source. Footsteps approached them from the darkness around them, and before any of them could react, a figure appeared from the shadows.


This is why I don't like normal writing

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