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More Shitty Normal Writing

     The Emosquad and the Bakusquad plus Momo were sitting in Todoroki's dorm. The Dekusquad were still a little shell shocked that Deku would do such a thing. Bakugo had calmed down and was sitting on the bed with his head in his hands. Everybody else was watching Todoroki, who was sitting next to the Ash Blonde a hand on his forehead and a serious expression on his face. 

     After a few moments of silence, Todoroki spoke up. "What I don't understand is, that photo was on MY phone. How did HE get it?"

     He looked around at everyone and his eyes landed on Yaoyorozu, who was sitting at his Desk with a thoughtful look. She looked up and met his eyes, before clearing her throat to get everybody else's attention as well. "The only possible explanation is that he somehow stole your phone, sent it to himself, and then deleted the messages from your side. There's no other plausible way." 

     "But no one except Katsuki knows my Password". He looked at his boyfriend, who still had his head in his hands. 

     Jiro, who was sitting on the desk beside her Girlfriend, was the next to speak up. "Todoroki, is your Password something specific to you? Like a Birthday or a Nickname?"

     He hesitated before telling her. "My Password on the phonepad spells out 'Bakugo', Why?"

     Momo spoke before she could explain. "Wouldn't it be irrational for him to try multiple possible passwords before Todoroki noticed his phone was gone? He wouldn't know wether the Password was something specific or just bunch of Numbers". Jiro nodded in defeat.

     Denki, who was sitting on Kirishima's lap on a chair near the bed, looked up thoughtfully. "Hey Rokibro, can I see your phone for a minute"?

     Todoroki handed him his phone and Denki opened it while ignoring the Questioning look on his face. Everybody's eyes were on him while he typed some stuff into the phone. He looked up with a horrified expression. "I-I just managed to get back the texts Midoriya deleted from Rokibro's phone. That wasn't the only photo of Bakubro that he stole". 

     He showed Todoroki the phone and his expression mimicked the one on Denki's face. Bakugo looked up and glanced at the screen, and almost immediately put his head back in his hands. Todoroki looked horrified. Photo after Photo similar to the first one, and some that looked fairly normal. Before he could even process what he was looking at, an Instagram Notification slid down from the Top of the Screen. 

     He opened it with shaking hands and the phone dropped with a crash when he saw what it was.

SmallMight has posted a photo

@SmallMight: Smash me hard with those muscles Daddy (A/N: U have a Death Wish)

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@SmallMight: Smash me hard with those muscles Daddy (A/N: U have a Death Wish)

Tagged: Ground_Zero

1k likes (A/N: No Seriously, Who the fuck?)

@Hawks✓: Gag Me

@Dabi: *Barfs into Salad* (A/N: We Stan DabiHawks)

     Shinso got to the abandoned phone first, and one look at the phone made his usually pale skin go a sickly shade of green. "He's going too far". He showed everybody else the phone and they all looked as sick as him. Before any of them could say anything, a huge scream ran through the dorm. 

     Bakugo leaped out of the was as Todoroki's quirk Activated behind him, spreading to the walls and almost completely engulfing the dorm. Shoto didn't seem to notice and kept his gaze on his lap. They all stared until Mina got some sense in her to yell, "TODOROKI"! He looked up and looked uterly shocked to see his dorm covered from head to toe in Ice and in some places, Fire. "TODOROKI STOP"!

     He tried and his eyes widened as his quirk continued filling the room. "I-I CAN'T"! Everybody looked terrified. Kirishima and Mina tried using their quirks, yet to no avail. The rest of them joined in, but the Ice was too fast for him. Bakugo watched as Shoto and the rest of them tried desperately to keep the room from burning or freezing them to death. If he used his Quirk, he could have caused serious damage to the Building or his frien- er- classmates. He looked at his Boyfriend and yelled.

     "SHO! STOP IT"! At those words, Todoroki looked up and his Quirk immediately switched off. 

     "I- How-", but before he finished, he seemed to have noticed all his classmates still stuck in the Ice, some with burns on them, and decided it would best to get them out first before they died on him. He activated his fire side cautiously and let them all free. They all groaned as they fell back to the ground. Todoroki kept apologizing as they all kept reassuring him that they weren't hurt. He walked over to Bakugo to make sure he was okay.

     Kirishima turned to him from his spot on the floor as he checked on Denki. "What just happened"?

     "I d-don't know. That's never happened before". They all stared at him and he caught Denki's eye, who was smiling at him.

     "Bakubro's changed you, hasn't he"? 

     Todoroki looked at him and smiled slightly as he turned to his boyfriend. "Yes he has, and I don't regret it one bit".

      A voice came from the door. "HOW FABULOUSLY BEAUTIFUL!" They could all guess who that was.

I swear, once I get my hands on Deku, he's gonna finally know what a stab in the back feels like

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