Hiatus/Under Construction

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So, I know I'm a terrible person for being gone for so long but I've recently been really struggling and I needed the break

Also, yes, I'm making a come back! (For real this time)

I'm gonna finish the LOV vs Class 1A arc thing and also gonna do some construction on the older chapters because those were so damn long ago and I hate them so much.

I'm gonna change how Kiri revealed Bakubitch's secret crush so I'll inform ya'll when that happens and what exactly I changed because that was very poorly written.

Also, I'm gonna have more TodoBaku content in here rather than KiriKami and DabiHawks. I know I already had Denki kidnapped here and now I'm making Kiri kidnapped, but I have a plan for that which involves TodoBaku so just sit tight

Aoyama is still fabulous as usual

I will make a chapter about TodoBaku's backstory talking about how they went from rivals to friends to lovers because I jumped into that way too quickly

And yes, I've kept up with the manga and I know Dabi's real backstory, but Imma keep the one I have because it's cute and canon Dabi is hella dramatic

The groupchats and Insta pages will be back as well

Idk if Imma do a DabiHawks backstory thing because I'm too lazy for that

I love you guys, thank you so much for reading. If this book gets taken down, it'll only be temporarily while I change things and I'll put it back up later. I'm coming back and I'm doing so much better so we'll see what happens next :)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2022 ⏰

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