Flowers & Trees?

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"Are you okay?"

Khushi silently nodded with a small smile on her lips. A smile to cover her embarrassment or a smile to display the glee she felt within her, only Khushi would know.

It had been a silent car ride to the mall. The once talkative Khushi had become eerily silent throughout the trip because of the proximity they had faced a few moments ago. It was a comfortable silence for Khushi, who was still running that same scene through her mind. 

On the other hand, the man behind the wheels had his thoughts racing everywhere and nowhere. He desperately wanted more. It had been years since he had been this close to a woman. Especially a woman he not only desired or admired but loved. 

However, Khushi's silence seemed like this was wrong. He shouldn't have crossed a line. Nicknames were fine, but kissing her? More so, kissing her on her chest. That must have been too fast and too intense for her. Arnav was thinking of all the negative things he could gather in that big brain of his. Khushi who was avoiding his gaze was not helping his case.

Arnav rushed to open Khushi's passenger door. He offered his hand to help her out of the car and Khushi hesitatingly took it. Touching him created havoc inside her. 

"Khushi are you sure you're okay?"

Khushi finally looked at her man who's face and expressions seemed to display so much tension and stress.

"I'm okay Arnav ji, but you don't look okay", Khushi let out a giggle. 

She pulled him near the parked car and made sure she was out of anyone's view. Her hand reached his face and she gently caressed the sides of it. 

"Arnav ji look at me, don't overthink. We are a couple, things like these are bound to happen one day or the other. If we keep getting awkward about our proximity then how are we ever going to move forward."

Arnav gawked at the young woman in front of her. 

What the actual f--k?! This was supposed to be my dialogue.

"Khushi how do you manage to leave me speechless all the time. How? I can't believe my luck sometimes."

Khushi raised her eyebrow, "Did you expect me to be the type of girl that doesn't know what a couple does together. I accept that I was never in a relationship before, but I do watch enough Bollywood movies to know what happens behind the flowers and trees."

Arnav widened his eyes and let out a loud laugh. He doubled over and couldn't stop his laughter. He tried balancing himself with the car, but even then he just couldn't stop cracking up. 

Flowers and trees. Oh god.

Khushi had turned beet red. 

Did I say something stupid?

"Arnav ji why are you laughing?"

"Khushi you....", Arnav continued laughing. 

Khushi huffed, "You know what, just leave me alone. I'm going shopping alone. I don't like you anymore."

Arnav continued to laugh as Khushi walked away, "Sorry, I need a second.".

Khushi threw him a dirty look and continued walking away. 

Stupid guy. Here I am trying to be romantic and all, and look at him. Laughing like I'm the joker.

Khushi headed to the saree boutique and sat herself down in front of the salesman. 

"Bhaiya show me a few sarees for me please. I'm looking for bright colors, like yellow or pink."

Khushi looked at the few sarees laid before her, she sifted through them.

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