Marriage Part I

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"Aman, did you find out everything about the girl? Send me all her files and her records!'

"Yes sir, I found out everything about Khushi Kumari Gupta. I'll fax you all her files right now sir."

Arnav reached out for the watering can and gave his precious plants some water. He found peace near his plants, which was very hard to find these days. His stress usually came from his work,but this time, it was because of a girl.

Khushi Kumari Gupta.

She was beautiful, colorful, full of happiness, and a miracle. The complete opposite of Arnav. Arnav was attracted by her simplicity from the first day he laid his eyes on her. However, he knew attraction and marriage were two different things. Khushi wasn't the root of his stress, marriage was. Marriage with her!


3 days ago...

"Chote, you can't keep ignoring me like this! You can't just lock yourself in your room to avoid this topic. Chote I swear to god if you don't open this door right now I will....--"

"Di you won't do anything. Stop trying to threaten me because it won't work anymore. I'm not going to open my door so just leave!"

Anjali stood outside his door, she was determined to talk about marriage with Arnav.

If he's stubborn, then I'm his sister too. I can be as stubborn as him.

"Chote if you don't up this door then I'm going away with Shyam ji to his house. If you don't respect me and want to ignore me then I'll go to my in-laws house. Bye!"

Anjali grinned to herself.


Arnav opened the door to find his stubborn sister smiling.

"You're the worst. Why are you so dramatic?"

Anjali smiled at him while pinching his cheeks.

"Well when you stop being stubborn, then maybe I'll stop being dramatic too."

Anjali took Arnav's hand and sat on his bed.

"Chote you're 27 years old. It's about time you get married. We aren't forcing you to get married to the girl we've chosen for you, but we want you to give her a chance. Just look at her once and then give us your decision."

"But di you know I don't believe in marriage. After mama---"

Anjali caressed his cheek, "I understand. However, you can't spend your life alone. You need a companion who can understand you. Who will be with you during your worst and during your happiest times? You need someone who'll be more stubborn than you and who will love you more than me!"

Arnav hugged Anjali.

"I don't think we will ever find a girl like that di. However, if you feel like you can find a girl like that then I will go see her at her house. Happy?"

Anjali smiled and jumped up and down. "Wait till I tell Nani this! She's going to be so excited. OMG!"


2 days ago...

Arnav, Anjali, and Nani were sitting in their living room while going through different pictures of different girls.

Arnav was working on his laptop whereas Anjali and Nani were showing different pictures to Arnav for the past hour.

"Chote what about this girl?"

Arnav shook his head for the 50th time.

Anjali angrily mumbled under her breath.

"You've said no to the past...50 girls."

Arnav smirked.

"Well you did say I get to pick the girl. I don't like any of them so..."

Nani looked around the table full of pictures and she found a picture of a girl that even Arnav wouldn't be able to deny.

"Chote you've said no to so many girls for different reasons. However, I bet you the photo I'm going to show to you, you won't be able to find even one reason to say no to her. "

Nani showed the picture to a confused Anjali. Anjali had a huge smile on her face while looking at the picture.

"I think Nani's right Chote. Look at her she's gorgeous. There isn't one flaw."

Arnav rolled his eyes at his over dramatic family.

"Fine show me it."

Anjali turned the picture towards Arnav. Arnav was entranced by the girl in the picture, she actually didn't have a single flaw in her. He kept on staring at her beauty, it felt like she cast a spell on him.

"Uhmm. Let me guess you're trying to find a reason to say no, but you can't find one."

Arnav looked away and then cleared his throat. "I mean she's good...I mean she's not that bad.."

Anjali and Nani giggled at Arnav's reaction. He was almost blushing

"Ok, I have alot of work to finish. I'm going upstairs!"

Anjali and Nani were laughing out loud looking at a nervous Arnav.

"Chote I'm guessing that's a yes! ", Anjali shouted across the room.

Arnav stopped on the staircase. He hesitatingly turned around to nod his head.



Arnav looked through the files that were faxed by Aman. He wanted all of the information on this girl before he met her tomorrow. He found out that she was still in college,  she worked in a few offices. She was good in math. She was an orphan, her parents had died in a car accident.

She lost her parents too.

She was adopted by her mom's sister and her husband. She has an older sister who's engaged to a guy called Ranveer Singh. Her family owns a sweet shop. All this information about her, but it revealed nothing. His questions were still not answered.

Just ask her tomorrow.

Arnav looked at the files one last time and then kept them on his desk.

Tomorrow, I'll finally meet her and get my questions answered.

Arnav laid down on his bed and tried to sleep.


Hey guys! hoped you liked this update. 

This story will also be updated with a second part, so just keep waiting.

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