No More Maneuvers.

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  "Let's get you out of here," you reached for Ela but she slapped you away, with a surprising amount of force.

  "I'm alright!" She blinked, but didn't stumble as she picked up her EVO, she took off her coat to see the extent of the damage. "It isn't my first time getting tagged. I'll shake it off."

You shift legs and grab your IFAC, tearing it from the back of your belt and handing it to her. "At least patch yourself up."

  "Where's Doc when you need him?" She got on her radio and grunted. "There's a breach at the front door. Protect the bio container at all cost!"

You get away from the wall and kneel. "That fifty's in a bad spot. We're gonna have one hell of time protecting this door way."

  "Don't hug the wall," Ela spits. "We don't have to stay here anyway. There's too much risk getting caught in spot. The White Masks are bound to shoehorn their way up the stairs eventually. Where are the others?"

You peek at the wall, just to have your head nearly taken off by the machine gun. The wall splinters in debris as a cloud of dry-wall sprays you. You feel a hand on your shoulder and tug on you. "[Y/N]! I wasn't tagged by the fifty—"

  "I know!" You snap. "The others are coming - we just have to hold out until then."

You're about to say something else when you hear wood being broken upstairs. "Most of the points are choked. As long as no one gets through downstairs, we'll be alright." Ela assures you as works her way up. Her left arm is bandaged, but her white coat has been discarded to the floor. You're sure all what's keeping her away from the pain is adrenaline. You'll have to start working fast to secure the holes.

Elsewhere in the house, a burst of automatic gunfire indicates a separate battle. Zofia better be almost fuckin' finished.

You open a door, peering inside to see the boards still intact. You look around some more and then back out. Ela is leaning against the wall with her eyes trained down the hall. Next room. It's clear too, all the boards are fine.

You move further down the hall as the fighting downstairs intensifies. You're about to open another door when you vaguely hear some chatter on the other end. You shoulder your M4 and stalk backwards.

  "In there." You whisper to Ela, who then switches sides. She directs the barrel of her weapon at the door and slides her finger off the trigger guard and into the actual trigger. You step away from her, fixing the barrel of your weapon to the door too. There's at least 4 voices on the other end, but you aren't really sure what to do. Suddenly, Ela stands up and takes something from a satchel strapped to her leg. It looks like a grenade with gray clay applied haphazardly to the head. She stamps it down above the doorway the best she can before she retreats to you. All the while her wrist watch flashes like crazy.

All questions can wait. She stacks behind you a fair distance and waits. The door creaks open and you turtle in, tighten your grip on your gun. The object that Ela placed above the door starts to blink, but your attention is snapped back in the center where a man starts stepping out from. Your finger squeezes, your trigger gives away and your hammer snaps up. A bullet and a clap follows as your M4 discharges. A jacketed bullet is sent to the figure.

A cloud of red powders the air. Life vacations instantly from the man you just saw. Ela follows by popping him twice as he thuds. There's a quick follow-up from another attacker, but just as he breaks the threshold hold of the doorway, there's a blinding bright flash of light and deafening clap of an explosion.

You recoil back and get into cover, shouting for Ela to do the same. You hardly hear yourself however, so even as you stumble back you aren't sure if she's actually retreating. All you can feel and faintly hear are the repeating thumps from her submachine gun tearing. After a few seconds, you return your senses... just a little dazed. You try your best to get around the hallway, but you trip over the corner and fall flat. You couldn't help but to let out an embarrassed chuckle before remembering you were in trouble.

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