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You're jolted awake by a pounding on your door. Attack?!

You run to the door after grabbing your plate carrier and carbine from beside your bed and start for the door to swing it open. You're met by your NCO, relaxed as usual. He looks at you and your gear.

"[Y/N]?" He says.

Holy Shit. I'm far too out of practice... "Yes, sir?"

"What's the rush?"

You stiffen your back and secure your firearm before explaining your actions. However, before you can get far, he stops you. "Listen, I don't have the time to get our new bodies an entire tour of the layout of the facility. I believe the best way to spread our butter here is if we take them along with our patrols."

He lifts a notepad in front of him. "I did a quick rundown on the names and the schedules here. You can consider yourself lucky, I paired you mostly with the girl; Elżbieta."

You scoff, remembering your late night run in with her. He looks up at you briefly from behind his notes, but decides not to pursue you.

"Anyway, they're all getting suited up and what not. Security was a mess coming in, so a majority of their gear was confiscated in the way in. I'd recommend the range, but..."

"Not worth the waste; I know. Don't worry about it, I'll make sure that I'll show her around, explain the rules and what not."

"Ahh, actually, [Y/N]..." he flipped some more pages and pulled a single sheet out before clipping it on the top of the stack. "Elżbieta isn't really much of a follower. Her background incredible. Don't treat her like any of the others we've gotten before."

You adjust your stance, asking why that would be. He gives a very brief and censored version of her history that leaves you with more questions than answers. But, what he did mention bluntly, is that she has a slight issue with authority. By all means, you should approach with the intent to just "show her around", and not to come off as bossy, not even in the slightest. Truth to be told, your first intention in being a PMC was actually to be a translator of humanitarian efforts; granted, you never intended to be actual boots on the ground in such a hostile environment, but still found a spot in communicating with the workers sending supplies in.

If getting along with her is all that is expected of you, then you will be able to do so easily...Unless she continues her uninviting behavior anyway. You continue your so-called briefing about your task, working your way slowly towards the main warehouse. Your chat flatlines as the main doors open, the rookies and a few of the regular faces you've grown to know are there, talking to one another in complete load out. Your budget NCO walks off after gesturing towards Elżbieta. She wore jeans, a white tucked in T-shirt, and had the regular mag pouches as all the others, including yourself. The only difference you could spot was a piece of fabric hanging from her belt. It was dark, but elegant in design - like it was a part of a uniform at one point in it's life. You joined the briefing as your team leader started to say some concerns and notes about the area, nothing new, still the same basic increases in crime and hostile activity. You listened, and so did everyone else, the only person who seemed to be actually trained was Elżbieta. Her blue eyes were fixed on him, she hardly even blinked. People have come and gone. Elżbieta, however, was taking her work very seriously. That was almost refreshing. You felt like that's where you could begin to build a possible relationship with her.

The briefing ended, and everyone started to disband to their stations. Elżbieta started to head off on her own, so you stopped her.

"Hey, wütend!" <<Hey, Angry!>>

Elżbieta turned around, looking slightly surprised. To your surprise, your comment made her smile. "Mir?" <<Me?>>

"Yes, you. You're with me today." You say, melting her small smile into a straight line.

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