Recovery #2

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You were fading in and out of consciousness after the explosion. You remember being airlifted faintly after being dragged and placed to a stretcher shortly before you felt your eardrums bursting. Ouch.

Everything after that is a blur of being poked, pinched, and wrapped in bandages in either the dark shaking cabin of the helicopter, or in a blindingly bright surgical room. All the trauma you had experienced all at once took a toll on your mental state too. However, when you opened your eyes for the first time in,however long you were out of consciousness, was relieving.

...You didn't die.

It was dark outside, but the room was well-lit. There was a heart monitor beside you. You were also connected to an IV. This was the worst condition you've ever seen in yourself, but you weren't in pain - probably because you were still under the influence of the medication you were receiving. You moved slightly, but your whole body was in slow motion, and it took a lot of energy to move your arm. You sighed and relaxed as you blinked. The clock on the wall in front of you read 4 o'clock, probably in the morning considering how dark it was out your window.

There was a glass of water beside your bed too. You thought about reaching for it, but you weren't sure if you were going to be able to. Everything still felt strange and loopy.

As you wake yourself up, you heard a door being unlocked then being opened. A bright light is casted on the wall with a slender figure being seen for a brief moment before the light from the room is shut off. A few silent footsteps later, you see a green haired girl come into view. She's on her phone tapping on it with her thumb until you greet her.

Elżbieta stops as soon as she hears your voice. She isn't scared, but presently surprised to hear you speaking.

"Żyjesz!" She exclaims, quickly tucking her phone away in her jeans. She grabs a chair and pulls up beside you, her smile is unforced and genuine.

You smile too. "I, uh, am? How long have I been out?"

She shrugs. "Not long. You were about to reach your second day. How do you feel?"

"Numb," you reply looking at the clock. Almost two days...that's not too terrible. "I don't think there's any room to complain though."

"Well, no...but you uh..." she leans back and her gaze leaves yours. "You're fortunate that not all the explosives went off. The other ones' wires got cut by some bullets, and they weren't disturbed enough to blow up."

A small laugh leaves your mouth. "So I jumped on you for nothing?"

She blushes, but she looks at you. "No-!! I...I appreciated what you did - no matter the case. There's not a lot of people that would have done that for me."

You can't help but roll your eyes. "Any soldier or officer probably would have done that, don't paint me as anything I'm not."

"Still means a lot to me. It's hard to express."

Some tension builds up in the room. The connection you two share sends an odd sensation in your stomach. "Well, how about a hug?"

You felt your own face flare up at your suggestion. Elżbieta bursts out laughing though. It isn't until another 15 seconds she realizes you're being serious...or at least somewhat serious. You suppose the playful, teasing smiling you're currently wearing really helping your case. She smirks and narrows her stare. Her stare is trained perfectly onto yours as she nods.

"I don't know...the last time I touched you said I was hurting you."

You smile wider. "That was a long time ago. I've recovered marvelously."

She laughs again, but doesn't budge.

"I'm not forcing you, just a suggestion." You lean back into your bed and sigh - the tinge of pain is still lingering, but you're nowhere near the terrible pain you thought you would have been in.

After a few brief moments of silence, she caves and mumbles something in Polish as she stands up and wraps herself around you. Her scent had a slight hint of gun oil, but mostly had something else oddly girlish for someone you've painted as hard and so inward thinking. You reached around her too, taking her into yours. It's silent for the most part, giving this moment a much more intimate and personal feel to it.

You remain locked in each other's silent embrace for an extended amount of time not saying anything. Elżbieta starts to recoil, but instead your gazes meet in the middle. Her face was all highlighted by the gentle electronic lighting. Her blue eyes are on yours and her pale cheeks start to burn. Her mouth opens to say something, but nothing comes out. Your mouth opens too, but your words are trapped as well.

Elżbieta starts to lean in, still fixated to your face. She's committed to this, she's just making sure you are too...she licks her lips before parting them, expecting you to do the same. When you don't, her face starts to wrinkle.

You swallow and look away. Is this OK? A silent debt breaks loose in your mind, but she grows impatience with your silence and lack of action.

"Elż—" as soon as your words start coming out, she pushes herself deeper towards you. Your lips meet, her salvia, just recently applied, makes the kiss wet and most sensational. Your fingers are still around her from the embrace, but they start to slide down to her waist and tighten. Despite your original reluctance, you find her kiss all too inviting. Your resistance is shattered, your lust and long-debated desire for Elżbieta replaces your questions with answers.

Your shared love bursts - turning your kiss into something messy. Tongues tangle, hands explore, moans escape. However, everything comes to an end when you hear the door to the room opening. Your tongue disingage from each other and your hands are forced to retreat. You quickly relax back into your bed, and Elżbieta back to her chair. A nurse walks in, and nods and you both. It's just then you notice that it now much brighter outside from when you first woke up.

"Guten morgen." <<Good morning.>> she offers, you say the same, answering for both you and your "companion".

When the nurse starts to do some tests and asks some questions, Elżbieta decides to turn in. She wishes you the a quick recovery and then leaves, letting the nurse continue her job.



The same week, you are discharged from the hospital, only to find that matters have gotten incredibly worse. World governments are now working in conjunction to deal with the terrorist organization known as "The White Masks".

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