Team Rainbow

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" that a gun in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?" Ela's eyes fluttered somewhat as she stared down.

You scoffed, failing hard to control your smirk as it built corner to corner. You took it out and gestured to the size of it. She gasps slightly, her eyebrows arching in surprise as she silently asks to grab it.

"My my~" she chimed. Her fingers wrapped tightly around your gun. "Definitely bigger than I thought."

"Bad thing?" You asked.

She smiles and cocks her head. "Maybe? Let's see how this goes before I draw any conclusions..." her fingers wrapped more firmly around it, rolling her fingers along the texture.

"How do you like it?" You shift legs, and looked at her - meeting her eyes. She frowns a bit and adjusts her grasp, adding her other hand.

"Too much girth for one hand. Two hands feels a bit more natural." She replies, moving her wrists and stance. She cranes her neck with her shoulders and looks up at you. "May I?"

"Of course of course. It's why we're here, isn't it?"

"nie bądź zarozumiały." <<Don't get cocky.>>

She turns her head and points the handgun down range. Again, she adjusts her stance and aims. The fireball the Desert Eagle creates as it spins down to the steel target is both impressive and terrifying. With a prominent DING, she spits out the rest of the magazine and locks back the slide. She looks back with her lips curled in a proud smile. "Could drop a bitch!"

She removes the magazine and power strokes the slide, sending it home before handing it back. "Not my kind of thing though."

You nod, agreeing with her. "The SEALs like them, or at least Valkyrie and Black Beard—"

Ela cuts you off. "I know that. I worked with them before you did. They never did like my PR, said the caliber didn't have enough stopping power behind it or something. Are you going to keep that?"

"Seems a bit much for a translator, but I might. Unless you have another shotgun or EVO laying around."

Her brows knit, she takes off her hearing protection and shakes her head. "I am far too close to them to be parted."

"Am I chopped liver then?"

She giggles and squints at you. "[Y/N], you know what you mean to me."

A small laugh of your own bubbles out from your mouth. You step closer but she immediately steps back. She looks away and shuffles. "Don't get too excited. We're still deployed and active. The less involved the others think we are, the better."

"You honestly think they're that stupid?"

She doesn't reply. IQ alone probably pieced together an intimate relationship had started between you two even before you were enlisted and brought to their HQ, the Hereford Base. You were sure that even Jäger, with his inability to pick up on certain social cues, had (by now) noticed one of you staring at each other, and the frequent training sessions you both did alone.

It's been a few years since the incident at the bridge, but it only seems like a few months. Luckily, you were constantly on your feet, and had your foot wedged in for both suggestions and recommendations. It started with Monika, who mentioned your name as a translator for an American anti-terrorist unit in Germany. From there you worked (fairly loosely in the beginning) with the CIA, FBI, and other special mission agencies, eventually getting you trained and combed for a more intimate position with private military contracting.

When the world empires decided to join arms against this threat, they reactivated the Team Rainbow program under new were a simple, and more-than efficient choice for the growing force of joint special forces.

Rebellious Connection (Ela x Reader)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα