Chapter 6

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Everything was pieced together in a jigsaw puzzle as Sierra tried to lend a hand wherever it was needed; whether it being needed in tended to injuries or making sure that the shelter residents were properly secured in a blanket. Terror showed in the survivor's eyes, bringing much anguish to her heart.

The very same little boy whom she had seen as the very sketch of poverty had also been sheltered here-tears tumbles down his hollow cheeks.

Sierra walked to him and picked him up, his little arms automatically wrapped around her neck. Only one word escaped his lips: "Momma"

He must have lost his Momma in the fire, as it was adressed that a 2 people were trapped under the raging fires. One was his Momma. Sierra's heart clenched at this realization, the boy was alone...

Survivors and helpers walked to the ranch, as it seemed that they would have to wait hours and hours for emergency help. Sierra saw that this was the very reason why Africa was know for its poor services.

She had the little boy in her arms the time they walked, not caring that her recently sapphire dress, was now grey blue.

The cowboy who had collected them with news of a fire walked closer and seemed.

"Thank you for helping Miss. I'm Dion." at this introduction Dion brought out his hand for a handshake.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Sierra. I feel my help wasn't enough at this very stage." she sighed.

"No any kind of help is enough especially from a beautiful woman like you" his compliment just made her laugh forgetting the whole shelter fiasco

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