Chapter 2

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Some recently-developed instinct warned Sierra, that a pair of curious eyes were firmly fixed on her.

Pretending to have fallen into a trance, she snapped out of her emotional state, recovering in the process. Turning her curly golden head to the audience she had somehow gained, utter shocked registered.

Her audience proved to be a small boy probably a little older than a year. He was also a product of the poor environment that lay a few metres from her car.

His piercing blue little eyes stayed fixed on my face. He fell backwards with a "plop" as his tiny butt collided with the crust, his legs must have been tired. Brown-black hair covered his tiny skull. Cheeks appeared almost hollow as his cheekbones were visible under his tanned skin. Lips seemingly torn as they remained dry.

Must have been due to lack of proper sufficient water.

Neck appeared skinny as if ready to buckle under the head's pressure. Legs, arms and hands displayed signs of insufficient food.

All in all, the boy was starving.

Sierra slowly opened her rental car's door and watched the little boy's expression to see if he showed signs of being scared. Satisfied with the curious face given, she continued with her actions and knelt down next to the boy. Arms outstretched, the boy wanted to be picked up.

Sierra gasped inwardly as she observed that the little boy weighed nothing more than a packet of appels.

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