Chapter 13 - 2005

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CH 132005

Stiles sat quietly in Isabella's maths class reading one of his 'The Berenstain Bears' books that he'd been fascinated with for the past month. It was Friday afternoon, and Isabella's last class which she shared with both Derek and Jordan. After maths Jordan and Derek had basketball which Isabella and Stiles watched with Cora and Scott.

"Hey baby girl," Isabella smiled as Cora excitedly sat down beside her. Laura had picked up both Scott and Cora from school and dropped them off.

"Hey Isabella," Cora grinned wrapping her arms around her as Scott sat down with Stiles and waited until his friend noticed him.

"Hi Scott," Stiles smiled at him and then went back to reading the book while Scott sat with him.

"Hi Stiles," Scott smiled at him and pulled out his own book knowing that they would only talk more once Stiles was finished reading his book. "Hi Isabella," Scott turned slightly to face Isabella before he went back to his book.

"How was school?" Isabella asked still hugging Cora as she spoke, she knew just how much Cora loved her.

"Boring, we're learning about the ecosystem, I mean it's cool but mom teaches us about that at home," Cora explained, it was true their mother liked to give each of her children something to do in the greenhouse.

"Don't knock the ecosystem," Isabella laughed, before both Cora and her returned their attention tot he basketball practise. Cora mumbling that Derek was the worst player on the team.

"Der Der is so bad at this," Cora whined, grinning innocently at Isabella as Jordan and Derek looked their way.

"Core!" Isabella exclaimed, playfully swatting at her as she watched Stiles and Scott finish reading their books.

Right near the end of practise Isabella and Cora heard a crunching sound, both girls looked at Scott and Stiles – Isabella hoping that Stiles hadn't heard the sound. Cora looked at Isabella and then towards the court and saw her brother sitting holding his arm. Coach Finstock was standing above Derek and Jordan who'd crouched down next to him.

"Cora, Scott stay here with Stiles please?" Isabella asked, standing up and moving so that she was standing in front of Stiles. "Hey buddy, I need you to do something. Can you stay here with Scotty and Cora?" Stiles nodded and both Scott and Cora sat on either side of him.

"Hey Stilinski, get down here. You know the only reason I let you watch," Coach called, Isabella turned around and rolled her eyes Jordan who looked up as she made her way to them.

"I know Coach," Isabella replied, as she grabbed the first aid kit from the bottom of the bleachers. "First time you've actually needed me though," Isabella smirked before setting the kit and herself on the ground.

"Just do your thing," Coach said clearing getting fed up with her back-talking. "Arthurs, detention next week,"

"Hey Der, give me your hand," Isabella smiled, holding out her hand for Derek to take. "Let me have a look, I didn't spend all that time with Melissa of nothing while mom was in hospital,"

"Nope," Derek held his wrist against his chest until Jordan was forced to do things drastically.

"Don't be so dramatic," Jordan said grabbing Derek by the shoulder and and then taking his wrist and guiding it to Isabella.

"I'm not," Derek huffed wincing as Isabella took hold of his wrist and noticed that hit was swelling considerably.

Isabella shook her head before she spoke again. "Jordan, can you grab the instant ice-pack out of my bag the one that I use for Stiles?" Jordan nodded and went up to where Scott, Stiles and Cora were sitting with Cora holding Isabella's bag.

Derek mumbled that his wrist hurt, Isabella rolled her eyes as she put the ice-pack on his wrist and then wrapped it up. Jordan laughed, as Coach ended practice telling them that they had cross-country on Monday. Isabella and Jordan helped Derek up before the three teens walked back to Stiles, Scott and Cora. Isabella held her hand out for Stiles signifying that it was time to go. Stiles took hold of Isabella's hand while Scott picked up both his backpack and Stiles. Cora looked at Derek and held her hand out for her big brother to take.

"Core, take Jordan's hand," Derek said as he picked up his bag, while Jordan grabbed his and Isabella's slinging both of them over his shoulder before taking Cora's hand.

"Hey Buddy, we have to make a stop before we go home okay?" Isabella questioned, looking down at Stiles as they started to walk to the Jeep that had been their mothers.

"Okay," Stiles nodded, he knew to expect some changes in his routine every now and then.

"Jordan can you take Scott and Cora to the house? And we'll meet you there?" Isabella asked, pulling her house key off her car keys and handing it to Jordan. "Dad won't be home till ten,"

"Will do," Jordan nodded pocketing the key as they got to their cars. "Hear that you two, we're going to Isabella's to wait for them,"

"You okay Der?" Cora asked, looking up at her big brother as Stiles climbed in the back of the Jeep.

"Yeah, I'm good. I'll see you at Isabella's okay?" Derek answered, running his non-bandaged hand over his face before Cora wrapped her arms around him. "Go with Jordan and Scott,"

"Scott, I'll let your mom know what's happening okay?" Isabella smiled at Scott who nodded in reply before both he and Cora climbed into the back seat of Jordan's car.

Derek, Isabella and Stiles went to the hospital while Jordan took Scott and Cora to the Stilinski's and put a movie on for them. At the hospital they discovered that Derek had fractured his wrist, meaning Derek was out for rest of the season. Stiles sat quietly with Isabella in the waiting room, pulling out another one of his Berenstain Bears books to read. Reading the book was the only way that Isabella could keep Stiles distracted enough to not realise where he was. 

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