Chapter 15 - 2006

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CH 15 – 2006

Scott sat silently at the back of the classroom, Noah had talked with the school principal about Stiles sitting in on some classes on the days he wasn't at the Hale school. Stiles was sitting beside Scott listening to the teacher talking with Cora on the other side of him, Cora was helping Stiles take notes.

"Stiles, it's okay," Cora whispered, she could see that he was starting to rock in his chair something that he only did when he was on the verge of a panic attack. "Scott," Cora hissed looking around Stiles to Scott.

"Miss Hensen? Could we be excused?" Scott asked raising his hand as Stiles started to rock hard on his chair.

"If you must Scott," Miss Hensen replied, after seeing Scott with his hand raised and Stiles rocking on his chair.

"Can I be excused too?" Cora asked, her hand raised the second that she saw the older woman looking at Scott and Stiles.

"Very well," Miss Hensen answered, watching as the two pre-teens stood up and gathered Stiles' belongings before Cora held her her hand out for him. Mrs Hensen was their 6th grade teacher.

Stiles reached for Cora's hand and held it tightly before he started to tug on it. Scott looked at Cora and then at Stiles before he realised that Lydia was watching them with curious eyes. Scott smiled at her as Cora lead Stiles out of the class room. Scott lead the way, walking them towards the office.

"Scott, Cora is everything okay?" Mrs Grey, the schools nurse asked, looking up from where she was sitting talking with the secretary.

"Stiles is having a panic attack..." Cora said as Stiles rocked back and forth on the balls of his feet. "Can his dad or Isabella be called?"

"Okay, take him into the room and close the curtains," Mrs Grey told them, it was something that Isabella had told her about that dark rooms sometimes helped calm his panic attacks. "I'll contact Mister Stilinski,"

"Come on Stiles, lets sit in here," Cora smiled at Stiles gently pulling on his arm as she led him into the room. "Thank you Mrs Grey," Cora added as the three pre-teens disappeared into the room.

Stiles sat on the bed and pulled his legs up to his chest and put his head on his knees rocking. Scott sat carefully on the bed beside him close enough that he wasn't touching him but close enough that Stiles knew he was there. Cora rummaged through Stiles bag for his comfort item, a red Christmas decoration.

"Stiles, here you go," Cora held the red Christmas decoration in the palm of her hand in front Stiles ready for him to take. Stiles took the decoration from Cora and twisted it in his hand while Scott looked at Cora neither of them quiet knowing what else to do.

"How did you know it was going to start?" Scott asked, looking at Cora and then at Stiles. Cora was better at picking up on when Stiles was going to have a panic attack then he was.

"He was rocking on the chair," Cora answered, Scott looked at Stiles sometimes he wondered exactly what was going on inside his head.

"Lydia, what are you doing here?" Mrs Grey questioned, Cora moved slowly from where she was standing and poked her head out the door to see the strawberry blonde standing talking to Mrs Grey.

"Lydia's talking to Mrs Grey but I don't know why now, she's never been interested in Stiles," Cora said turning her attention back to Scott and Stiles.

"Miss Hensen sent me to check if Stiles was okay," Lydia smiled innocently, looking at Mrs Grey and then glancing to see the back of Cora's head in the room.

"He's with Miss Hale and Mister McCall, go on back to class Lydia," Mrs Grey said, before Cora's hand poked out of the room and made a come here motion.

Mrs Grey picked up the phone before dialling the number for the Sheriff's station while she was looking at the computer Lydia took the opportunity to sneak into the room with Cora, Scott and Stiles. Stiles still rocking back and forth while Scott and Cora looked on helplessly as Stiles' breathing got faster.

"What happened?" Lydia asked quietly looking at Stiles and then at Cora.

"He started to have a panic attack...he started having them after his mom died," Cora was just as quiet in her response as they listened to Mrs Grey making another phone call this time to Isabella. "Did Miss Hensen really send you?"

"No...I wanted to check for myself, I remembered meeting Stiles when we were eight," Lydia spoke quietly before she mentioned that she better go back to class before Miss Hensen realised that she hadn't gone to the bathroom.

Cora poked her head out the door and motioned for Lydia to run back to class as Mrs Grey wasn't watching. Lydia did just that and darted back to class before Mrs Grey turned around to see Cora and Scott telling them that Isabella was on the way to pick up Stiles. Within ten minutes of Mrs Grey telling them that Isabella was on her way, she was standing at the front desk.

"Afternoon Isabella," Mrs Grey smiled at her, Isabella smiled back before Mrs Grey was speaking again. "He's in with Miss Hale and Mister McCall,"

"Afternoon Mrs Grey. Dad called me before you did to let me know that you were calling," Isabella spoke quickly glancing behind Mrs Grey into the room that the three children were in. "Thank you for calling. I'll take him home," Isabella smiled at her before Mrs Grey nodded allowing her into the room.

"Hi Isabella," Scott looked up a Isabella from the bed where he was sitting next to Stiles. "Stiles, Isabella's here,"

"Hi Scott," Isabella said before she crouched own in front of Stiles and spoke again. "Hey buddy, it's okay," Isabella held her arms out for Stiles and waited a minute before he slowly climbed into her arms. "Lets get you home hey?" Stiles nodded into her shoulder but was still panicking. "Derek'll pick you two up at three,"

"Lydia checked on Stiles," Cora spoke quickly as she watched Isabella expertly pick up Stiles bag while not letting go of Stiles who was clinging to her. "We'll be waiting for Der,"

"Did she just? When you go back to class you can tell her she can call if she has questions, okay?" Isabella asked, Scott and Cora both nodded before they said goodbye to Isabella and headed back to class. They'd only been gone for half an hour. Isabella carefully guided Stiles out of the room thanking Mrs Grey on the way out before she took Stiles to the waiting Jeep. "Come on buddy, up you get," Isabella helped Stiles into the front passenger seat before she stood next to him while he started to calm down slightly. She knew he wouldn't calm completely until he was home in a more familiar environment. 

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