Chapter 8 - 1998

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CH 81998

Isabella had just changed schools from going to one Elementary school to another, on her first day at Beacon Hills Elementary she met Derek and Jordan who were already friends. She was eleven years old and explaining to her little brother that she had to go to school, it was something that she did every day.

"Hey Buddy," Isabella crouched down in front of Stiles who was rocking back and forth on heels beside their mother. "I have to go to school now, see this big building here?" Isabella held her hand out to him and wait for him to take it before she pointed up guiding his hand with hers. "You and mommy will come and pick me up at the end of day,"

"Isabella, sweetheart off you go," Claudia said, watching her two children as Stiles stopped rocking back and forth his eyes following where Isabella was pointing.

"Mom, he needs to understand," Isabella replied, before she let go of Stiles hand and gently pulled him into a hug which resulted in him giving her a sloppy kiss on the cheek. "You have fun with mommy today," Isabella said before she let go of him and started to walk further into the school, turning around to wave Stiles who was staring after her but not waving.

"Have a good day sweetheart, and we'll see you this afternoon," Claudia called after Isabella who waved at her before she continued into the school stopping when she came across two boys with a ball.

"Looks like your daughters found my son and his friend, I'm Talia Hale," Talia said as she stood next to Claudia, holding Cora's hand as the little girl hopped up and down on the spot signing to her big sister. "Cora, Laura say hello," Talia said signing at the same time so that Laura would pay attention to her.

"Hi, I'm Claudia Stilinski and this is Stiles," Claudia said motioning to Stiles who had gone back to rocking back and forth on heels and looking at the ground. "It does look like Isabella has found your son,"

"Mommy, what's wrong with him?" Cora asked quietly tugging on Talia's shirt as Laura took hold of her hand.

"Hi Cora, was it?" Claudia asked, crouching down so that she was level with the four year old. "Stiles is autistic, he's just like you and me but sometimes his brain doesn't understand how to react or what we say. But he's special like everyone," Claudia said, and waited to see what Cora would say in response.

"I'm good at drawing and writing," Cora said as she signed at the same time, so that Laura could understand her. Their mother had signed to Laura while Claudia had been talking. "Is Stiles like Laura? Laura can't hear people,"

"Just like Laura, Stiles is special," Talia smiled at her daughter, watching as Laura held her hand up.

"I love you," Laura signed, her speech slightly broken but still understandable.

In the playground Derek and Jordan were introducing themselves to Isabella, neither could understand why a girl would want to play with them. Isabella simply smiled at them saying that girls could be mean and that she liked hanging with boys instead.

"I'm Isabella," Isabella said as she stopped in front of the two boys who were bouncing the ball between them. "It's my first day at the school today," Isabella added, she didn't care if they picked on her or not.

"I'm Jordan, and that's Derek," Jordan said as he tossed the ball to Derek, who smiled at her before throwing the ball to her. "Want to play?"

"Hey, usually its just the two of us," Derek said before he looked towards the school gate and saw his mother and sisters talking. "Who's mom talking to?"

"Oh...that's my mom and little brother Stiles," Isabella said as she tossed the ball back to Jordan and waved at her mother who had picked up Stiles as he'd started to have a melt down.

"Is he okay?" Jordan questioned, throwing the ball back to Derek as he looked down where Claudia was talking with Talia.

"He just got overwhelmed, his brain works differently to ours...when he gets excited or he likes something he claps his hands, he doesn't know how to say it," Isabella explained the best that she could, it was different to how her mother explained things but she figured it would be enough of an explanation to the two boys that she had just met.

Derek and Jordan both nodded in understanding as the bell rang for them to line up. Derek and Jordan both walked Isabella over to the school principal as Claudia walked into the school with Stiles still having his melt-down. Isabella looked at her mother and then at Stiles and saw the tears streaming down his face. Derek and Jordan quickly raced back to the line as their class started to walk to the room.

"Hey Buddy," Isabella spoke quietly and held her hand out to Stiles as she listened to her mother talking to the principal. "It's okay, you and mommy are going home soon,"

"Mmm," Stiles nodded tears still streaming down his face as he reached for Isabella's hand.

"Do you want to give me a hug?" Isabella asked, watching as Stiles clapped both of his hands together. Claudia noticed that Stiles was clapping so she put him down and let him hug his big sister.

"Isabella, you'll be in class with the two boys that brought you over," the principal said as he watched Isabella hug Stiles before he took hold of his mothers hand again.

Isabella was walked to the year five class room where she was introduced to the class, and asked to say a couple of things about herself before she was able to sit down. The only desk that was available was Derek and Jordan's desk and they were happy to have her sit with them.  

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