Part 16

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Louie's POV


Della's POV

Just keep running, you will find him.

Huey' POV

I won't fail as a big brother.

Dewey's POV

Don't give up Louie, not yet.

Webby's POV

I won't loose you Louie.

Scrooge's POV

Where are you lad?

Donald's POV

Louie please, come back.

Penumbra's POV

I delivered the message to my fellow soldiers, they where shocked to hear how Lunaris really was, and immediately freed the people. The word travelled fast through all the soldiers and soon everyone was safe, except for one duck.

I ran back to the money bin, but nobody was there. Della hadn't found her kid yet. So I decided to follow her, and run away from the sun to find them. My boots were made for hard surfaces, which made it easy to run across the slippery surface which the Earthlings called ice. I hoped that Della was going the right way, and that she was now on her way back with her son. I just hoped for the best.

So I ran, to find Della and help her.

Della's POV

I stopped running. ''Mom, this is impossible!'' Huey yelled

''NO, we can't give up now!''

''The snow storm only gets worse! If Louie managed to flee, who knows how far he actually got!''

''Bu.. But Huey, it is your brother!'' I looked at him with terror in my eyes. If we went on like this, we wouldn't last much longer. I wanted to safe Louie, but the others were in danger.

''I.. what can I do?'' I fell to my knees. Everyone tried to walk to me, which was difficult because of the ice.

''Della, lass, listen to me. We have to go back! I will sent as many rescue teams as I can, but we can't go on in this storm!'' Scrooge yelled.

''Did those rescue teams work when I was lost!'' I yelled back. 

''Della, you can't put everyone in danger! I want him back as well, but I don't want to loose you again!'' Donald yelled, trying to calm me down.

''Just go!'' I cried. ''Just.. go.'' Huey and Dewey had tears in their eyes. They walked towards me and hugged me. What was I supposed to do, give up? To stop looking for Louie? But if I went on, Huey and Dewey would be in danger. Nobody ever told me that I would have to choose between my children before I was a mother. Why was this so hard?

''Donald, uncle Scrooge. Take the children back. I will look for Louie.''

''No, we can't let you do this!''

''And I can't let the children be in danger, but I also won't stop till I find Louie.'' 

''Della.'' I heard someone call my name from the distance.

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