Part 6

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Before this chapter starts thank you for getting this story to #1 ducktales!!

Della's POV

My head was hurting like crazy, it reminded me when I... CRASHED ON THE MOON! Out of reflex I tried to grab some gum for oxygen, but I couldn't find anything. Then I heard the sounds of the sea. Wait there is no sea on the moon. It all came back to me, my fight with Louie, hours of flying and a CRASH. I tried to wiggle around to see some light, but my leg was stuck. Luckily it was my robot leg. I took it off and pushed away some things above me. I finally could see, so I took my leg back and thinking about what to do first. I heard a sound from the plane... the kids!


''HYAA!'' Webby screamed while jumping from a pile of junk.

''AAHH! Webby you scared me.'' 

''Oh sorry I thought you were an islandmember and we were the intruders that had to fight our way out of it, because it would be our only way to surv-''

''Thank goodness you're okay.'' I pulled her into a hug, I was so happy to hear those funny stories.

''Help me find the boys, kay?''

''Of course Della!'' She looked a bit flabbergasted after my hug, but I was already on my way to find my boys.

The next one we found was Huey, carefully stepping out of the pieces of the plane with his Junior Woodchuck Guidebook in his hand.

''Mom!'' He said happily while running towards me and hugging me. ''Sweetie are you okay?''

''Well yes of course! I got out safely thank to my JWG!'' I was just happy that he wasn't hurt at all. ''Help me find your brothers okay?'' He looked at bit worried, now knowing that his brothers could be in trouble.

''Of.. course.'' and he ran off.

I walked some meters till I heard something next to me.



''Omg, Dewey?'' I tried to pick up some scrap metal that was lying on him. Immediately after that he jumped up.

''I'M INVINCIBLE!'' He screamed, putting his fists in the air. ''Mom are you alright?'' 

''Yes of course. And you?'' I asked while checking his whole body in search of wounds or any damage. Luckily he only had a few scratches.

''Mom, I'm invincible, of course I'm alright.''

''Okay, help me find Louie.''

And so our search began. We were all walking around the plane, picking up pieces, yelling his name. But no response. I started to get worried, yelling his name harder and harder.

''LOUIE!'' The kids were running around searching for him. Until I saw something green on a rock in the distance. I ran towards it, seeing more clearly what it was. It was Louie sitting on a rock watching us.

''Louie! Are you insane! Why didn't you say anything, I was worried sick!''

''I dunno, why would I?''

''Because I.. I'' I was taken aback by his response. Why didn't he understand that he should have said that he was okay?

''Hey, you didn't tell us that we were running away and leaving our family behind, so I didn't think it would be necessary to tell you that I was okay.''

''Louie you just can't not tell me were you were or if anything happened to you, certainly after a plane CRASH!'' The kids came walking to us, uncertain what to think about this situation.

''And who crashed the plane after running away from our family?!'' 

''THAT IS ENOUGH!'' That shocked him a bit, so I knew I couldn't back down.

''You are going to the plane, while we are going to search for food.''

''And what am I supposed to do?''

''Sitting there, come on boys lets go.'' Webby, Huey and Dewey hesitantly followed me.

''Wait what!''

''Go to the plane Louie.'' I said calmly, but strict. And it worked, because Louie angrily stood up and trudged towards the plane mumbling something.

''Mom? Maybe you have to give him some ti-.''

''No. Let's find some food.'' I walked away with the kids, except Louie, following me.

Lunaris POV

''Sir, good news! The plane crashed on an uninhabited island. We are now awaiting the perfect moment for the mission.''

''Okay, keep me updated.''

''Roger that.''

This was good news indeed, the invasion started and Della fleed with the children, which I already thought. Scrooge was probably thinking about a plan to attack, but when I have his nephews I have a secret weapon. When Scrooge sees his nephews in danger he will do everything to get them save. But it won't be easy to get those nephews away from Della. I had to think of something and 10 minutes later the solution to my problem appeared right in front of me.

Hello and thank you for reading my story, today this story reached the #1 ducktales on Wattpad! Thank you so so much!! I'm really happy to know that people are enjoying my story :>

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