Part 11

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Donald's POV

After Della disappeared I promised myself to protect my nephews at all cost. Everyday I would start the day with a smile and end it with Della her song. I did everything for them, cleaned everything for them and loved them. And now, one of was taken, taken away from Della, taken away from his brothers, taken away from me. Della told us what happened and almost fainted. Scrooge told her to sit down and rest while he was making a plan with miss Beakley. Louie will be our first priority from now on, I will NOT lose a family member again. He said with determination. But we had no clue about where he was. 

Huey and Dewey were sitting on the ground doing nothing. Not talking, not looking around, it almost looked like they were not even thinking straight. Just silently breathing, while there were still wet stains on their faces. In contrast to them, Webby was doing everything. Walking around the room doing cartwheels. Examining where the screen was that showed Lunaris. Talking to Huey and Dewey. And then you have Pennumbra.

I did not trust her for one bit.

So why not talk to her.

''Hey there, Pennumbra right?''

''What oh, yeah, but your sister calls me Penny.''

I didn't want to have a whole conversation to finally come to my point.

''What does Lunaris want Louie for?''


''You heard me.''

''I do- I don't exactly know.''

''You helped me get of the moon and saw his whole plan, you got to know something right?''

''Nope he just wants to break all of your spirits by kidnapping someone, sooo... don't give up guys!'' 

Uncle scrooge joined the conversation. ''He won't break our spirits, he just made it more difficult for himself, by giving us more reasons to attack him.''

''But why Louie?'' I tried.

''He was the easiest to get, because he was alone.''

''What will Lunaris do to him?''

''We never held someone hostage, I don't know what he is capable off.''

''Please, I just want to know if my nephew is in danger.'' I said, pleading with tears starting to form.

''I'm telling you all the information I know, I'm sorry.'' But it wasn't a genuine sorry. Lunaris told her to tell those answers, but it was all too much for me. I just wanted him back.

''ye... a.. mo..en'' I heard Penumbra whispering. ''Is there something wrong?'' She started shacking ''I eh.. I have to go to that little white room with paper.''

''You mean the restroom, lass?''

''Yes that one, well if you will excuse me, I will be right back.'' Penny said while running away.

''I didn't know they had to go to the toilet?'' Scrooge said, confused.

Louie's POV

Boredom. Great.

I at least hoped that when my whole life would fall apart, that there was some excitement. But Lunaris kept me in this room. I thought about how my family reacted when they saw me. They did looked shocked, but I expected more. I hoped for more. Did I really wanted my family to suffer because I was gone. Maybe that is the only way for me to know if they really cared. I tried to warn them before Lunaris cut me off and disconnected the call. 


''Well, if you are gonna be stupid so am I.'' I smirked and walked to the door.

I started to bang on it yelling ''HEY. HEY LUNAROEEE.'' I had years of practice irritating my brothers. ''YOU DIDN'T FORGET ABOUT ME, DID YOU!?''

''Shut it.'' A voice from a guard said. Fool, never give me the satisfaction of reacting.


Before I started to scream again, I picked up the conversation that the guards were having.

''Man, I have seen the footage from earth when we were planning the invasion, but this kid is way worse.'' Great, they soon can't take it anymore. ''How does that family live with him?''

''A mystery to me. Did you see how disappointed they were when he set of a trap, again?''

Haha, were they that disappointed when I set of that one trap? Wait no they are just messing with you Louie. Don't listen.

''For such a great adventure family, he is pretty bad.''

''His family just has to cary him through it, he will never survive on his own.''

''He he, you could better say the twins plus that green nobody.''

''He was probably the worst one to take. I bet his family doesn't even care that much.''

I felt sick to my stomach, I knew that they were messing with me, I knew it. ''But why are you still feeling like this.'' I whispered. Because what they said was true. I was a burden. 

''I'm sorry mom, I failed you.'' I sat against the wall and closed my eyes, waiting till I was asleep. Just because I didn't want to think about it anymore. I didn't want to think about my nobody existance.

Lunaris POV

''Your plan worked sir! He is almost isolated from his family, losing all his hope.''

''Amazing job, I will soon have a talk with him. We don't have much time left till Scrooge McDuck will come up with a plan.''

''Yes sir, Lieutenant Schwartzen out.'' My plan was perfect. Once Llewellyn Duck was fully isolated from his family and thinking he didn't belong there, I could start the next part. Getting him on my side.

I of course knew that he will never join willlingly, so that is why I let him fell like he didn't add anything to his amazing family. And then letting him believe that by joinging me he will safe them. It is a smart duck, having someone who knows so much about Scrooge McDuck will be an amazing advantage for me.

''Penumbra I need to talk to you.''

''Yes sir give me a moment.'' The only weak spot in my plan was Penumbra, I knew that sooner or later she would turn on me. So I had to act quickly before she did.

''I am here.''

''Great, is the family all together?''

''Yes sir, they are.'' She sounded disappointed in herself.

''Great, I need two days to get Llewellyn on our side, make sure that they won't have a plan until then.''

''I- I''

''What Penumbra?''

''Why are you doing this?''

''Because the moon has lived in-''

''No. I mean... I mean why are you putting this people through all this?''

''Isn't it obvious, I just like doing a detour.''

Hey there, Thank you for reading this story. I am so so sorry that it took so long for another update, and it is pretty shity. I have a week full of only tests that I have to study for, so I am trying to post as much as I can. It will end next wednesday though. Like always if you are enjoying this story so far, please leave a vote and a comment. Byeee :)

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