Chapter 14: Another One Fallen

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Feitan eventually returned to the hideout. You both exchanged nothing more than a quick glance as he entered into the building.

You kept reminding yourself the new task at hand, ignore him and give him a taste of his own medicine. Feitan didn't even seem to try to approach you, which made the situation worse in your mind.

After a few days, Chrollo announced that the troupe was officially going to go after the Chain User. Not you though, you were in charge of staying at the hideout and watching the stolen merchandise.

As the rest of the troupe left to hunt down the nen user who had taken Uvo's life, you begin to conjure up items from your watch that can be of entertainment for the next few hours. Your job was definitely boring this time, but you weren't complaining. Staying back just meant you didn't have to kill or watch anyone kill, which was more than you can already ask for.


A few hours had passed when the troupe returned back to the base, except, something was off. Chrollo was nowhere to be found in the group and there were now two kids with the group of members. A white haired boy with large cat-like eyes and a green haired boy with very tall hair.

They must have something to do with the Chain User, you noted to yourself. As everyone seemed to be debating about something, Machi caught you up on what happened.

Turns out Chrollo had been taken by the Chain User, and the two kids they brought back did have ties with him. The Chain User is now demanding a switch of hostages and Pakunoda must be the one to deliver the kids to a location. No one else is allowed there.

After understanding the situation better now, you joined in on the conversation with everyone else.

"What would be the worst case scenario Shalnark?" Prompted Phinks.

"Well," Shalnark responded, "Worst case scenario is that Pakunoda gets killed while returning the kids, and boss gets killed with her."

"Wrong," interrupted Franklin, "The worst case scenario is that we are all killed, and the Phantom Troupe is no more."

His words made something click in your head. Of course. That's why they were so desperate for me to join the troupe. They didn't need me specifically, just anyone really. Troupe rules state that if one member had been defeated, they will be replaced. If I ultimately decided to not join, they would have been short on bodies, meaning the Phantom Troupe would have been more at risk of extinction as a group. Chrollo always mentioned about the metaphor of him being the head of the spider. He can't be a head if there are no legs left. Everyone's priorities are not on the head of the spider, nor the legs, but the spider as a whole. As long as the group is still in tact, they will always have hope.

The decision had been settled. Pakunoda was going to trade the kids for Chrollo at a designated location. Feitan and Phinks had been against this decision, but most were on Pakunoda's side, so they didn't really have a say.

You were once back to waiting around now that Pakunoda had gone to get the boss. Feitan was still not talking to you, and frankly, you started to not care anymore. The tension had gotten so overwhelming that even Phinks began to notice.

"Fei, what's up with you?" Phinks asked.

"What?" Feitan said.

"What's wrong with you lately, you've been acting off."

"No. Nothing." Feitan shrugged.

"Tch," Phinks was getting irritated. "I'm not stupid you know, I can tell when something's wrong. Does it have to do with Y/N? You two haven't been as close lately."

Feitan's brows furrowed. He hated how easily Phinks can read his behaviour. "No. It's nothing."

"Feitan I'm being serious just tell me already we both know something is bugging you."

"It's Y/N."

Phinks mentally gave himself a pat on the back for guessing correctly. "So, what about them? They made jokes about your height or something?" Phinks laughed.

"Shut up. They like me," Feitan shot back at Phinks, pondering if it's too late to change the topic. Phinks' eyes widened. He knew something was up with those two, but he never would've guessed this. Some one actually likes Feitan? Hah. That's new, he thought to himself.

"Okay so? What's wrong with that? Do you like them back?" Phinks prompted.

Feitan stayed quiet. It was at that moment, Phinks pieced it all together.

"Oh my god. You DO don't you?" Phinks practically yelled, causing Feitan to put his hand over his friend's mouth.

"Be quiet. So what if I do?"

"N-nothing, there's nothing wrong. I just didn't expect that from you. But I still don't see the problem, if you both like each other then why are you acting so distant?"

Feitan let out a sigh, "I don't do this, whatever this is. Dating? I don't know, I don't do it."

"Fei, do you even know how to date?" Phinks laughed.

"No. That's the problem." Feitan responded in a more serious tone, Phinks was really worried now.

"Hey, I mean, there's nothing wrong with that. Everyone's gotta learn you know?"

"No but, they should be with someone who does know."

"Wait," Phinks' eyes widened, "are you doubting yourself right now?" Feitan nodded.

"Man, you really are stupid Fei. They obviously like you, and you like them back. What more could you ask for? You can't let your inner thoughts stop you from being happy you know. Self doubt really sucks. But you have to at least try. When's the last time you've even been on a date? Seems like decades ago. You owe this to yourself."

Feitan was frozen in place. He's never heard such truth from Phinks before, usually just some trashy jokes here and there. They've opened up to each other in the past, but it's always to rant it out of their system than to actually seek advice.

As the two continued to talk, you noticed Pakunoda re-enter the building, without the boss or the kids.

"Hey, where's boss?" Asked Shalnark.

"Do you guys trust me?" Pakunoda asked as she gathered her nen and held up her gun. After some disagreement from Phinks and Nobu, Pakunoda fired six bullets at the Troupe members and fell backwards as her body became lifeless. Your eyes widened. She had taken her own life. She had sacrificed herself for the wellbeing of the spiders. You had expected this level of loyalty from the members, but seeing it actually come to play had you shaken up a little.

Of course you were confused, you had no idea why Pakunoda did what she did. After some explaining from the members that were shot with her memory bullets, it had become clear:

She saved the spiders.

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