Chapter 10

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(Just the Batman Soundtrack I grew up hearing in movies I kinda like it so I just randomly added it)

Jane Clair

I studied these few last days hoping I could forget about what happened but it was the dumbest thinking ever something that you can't get rid of like that so I ended up gazing into the sky I smiled at the thought of my memories with Bruce but as usual, it never lasted long when I felt a large amount of guilt when I realized what I had almost done and shame and guilt crossed me so I looked away from where my red wig was placed I stood throwing it in my closet and shutting the door before I buried my head under my pillow crying.

Bruce Wayne

"Maybe that's why Ral a Ghul wants the knife he knows it's the only thing that will kill him," I say to Alfred

"Master Bruce I understand you feel bad for Alex is death we all do but you must remember your cow to never kill it will lead you to a darker path I know because I've been through that path," Alfred says

"I understand" I respond

"I'm glad," Alfred says

Alfred Perspective

"I'm worried for Bruce Alfred you need to watch over him it is four jobs," Gordon said to me as both of us talked

"Detective I know my job very well in my opinion I think you should stick to your job keeping Rah al Ghul behind those bars" I respond to Gordon

"No words to Bruce about Rah Al Ghul behind those bars," Gordon said

"That we can agree on" I respond

Third Perspective view

Bruce found out about Rah Al Ghul and he had found him in what looked like a dark cave with only fire lighting.

"You can only kill me Bruce and only with that dagger that is my curse and the meaning of my vision," Rah said

"I don't believe you this is just another manipulation," Bruce says

"Look," Rah said his hand signaling down to the water scattered on the table another form of himself that was old and bonny looking "it is my true form every moment of my life is agony end it end my suffering"

"Whatever your curse maybe you deserve it for what you've done," Bruce says

"Your angry and unless you use that blade to kill me you will never be free," Rah says

"No, no I won't" Bruce responds as he started to step away

"Then allow me to tell you what will happen if you don't," Rah said catching Bruce is attention because he stopped and waited "I will disappear let you live your life you will follow a path of light and grow into a fine man a husband. a father and one day you may even forget I ever existed but when I come back I sill kill everyone you love and just as you watched your parents die I will slaughter your wife and children before your very eyes and there will be nothing you will be able to do about it" Bruce didn't let Rah continue because he stabbed him


Moments Later

Alfred had found out about Bruce killing Rah al Ghul so did Gordon he didn't arrest Bruce but there was a moment Bruce felt he had betrayed.

"I betrayed myself and my parent's memories," Bruce said "I took a life I did exactly what Rah said I would do"

"Bruce just because you know you're capable of doing something doesn't mean it has to happen again," Alfred said "We've both know each other for a long time since the day your parents where murders you may not feel like that kid anymore but you are the kid who thinks of doing good fighting dor good and doing what's right nothing of what you did today changes that"

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