Chapter 2

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For a moment the two simply stared at one and other. The world froze as they stared into each others eyes. Bruce watched in astonishment all of her face, she had grown into the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen. His eyes trailed down at the glistening right bellow her neck. He recognized the necklace his eyes trailed over it momentarily looking back into the eyes of Jane. Starting at Bruce dumbfounded unsure as to what she had to do next she took a step towards Bruce forward. Without thinking she took her right hand letting her fingers gently brush his warm cheek.

- - - -

"Is it you," he asked almost as if he'd break in tears if I said no or dissapred into the mist

"Bruce Thomas Wayne exactly 4 years ago today yes today at 2:15 pm I asked you the million-dollar question" pausing for a moment I continued "If we come back promise you'll remember me" he grinned

"I always will," He said we both had lopsided smiles until finally we where both tightly in each others embrace holding each other strongly rain pouring soaking us wet, even if the water nearly drowned us it wouldn't stop our hug. "Your hair you changed it," he said I smiled as he took a few of the loose strands observing them.

"Everyone keeps pointing that out" when we finally let go I stared at him "but forget the hair look at you Bruce you've grown you've...changed" my hand went from his cheek to slowly tailing into his hair he laughed raindrops consuming our hair. Bruce took out an umbrella from his coat started covering both of us as we walked in small talk eventually reaching the Wayne mansion. It was a laugh the whole way when the doors of the mansion opened I heard steps my smile turning into a grin.

"Alfred!," I said the man who looked at me and smiled

"Mrs. Clair why you've grown your hair you look different in a good way mind you," he said he looked at Bruce his smile slowly fading but I said nothing. Alfred showed me to a guest room letting me borrow some of Bruce in smaller clothes to change into while both of them spoke. As I brushed my hair from the shower I started at myself in the mirror noticing just how big even Bruce is smaller clothes looked on me. I took time to replay the moment of Bruce and I is encountered in the rain. My eyes closing to imagine our grins, smiles sparkles in our eyes the rain pouring around us. A knock on the door broke me from my day dream making me drop my hairbrush.

"Come in," I said turning to the door, Bruce stood by the door.

I notice his hair was still wet but concern filled his facial expression.

"Why did you come back?" he asked

"I was told of a scholarship opportunity to the university of my choice, my parents arranged for me to participate, I'm staying with my Aunt Lucy" I watch him curiously  respond I can tell he knows it wasn't all my reason.

"You have to go," he said I looked up at him and then back down.

"I understand you've moved on and don't worry I will too what you just said tells me it's been year's and our home is no longer as strong" I took my things and walked out of the room I knew he wanted to speak but I didn't give him any time because I was already running out I heard Alfred calling me I stopped he had nothing to do I turned and waited for him to speak but when he didn't say one word so I ran

8 miles in 5 minutes time skip

I was struggling to catch my breath I crashed on the floor for a moment I had just outrun my self and I just found out Bruce sent me away and it wasn't much that it was more to think I spent the last years not moving on from Gotham and Bruce and worse he turned on me one second he's happy and then the next he completely told me you need to leave. I finally stood up from the ground in relief Aunt Lucy was yet not here she must have been held back.  I locked the door once again and just stood at the entrance for a moment and then I finally had to let go but there's a difference between knowing what you should do from what you feel like doing.

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