Chapter 7: Coming Together

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Asami's POV

It's been a week or two since Korra and (Y/N) left for the fire nation, and a lot has happened. First I helped Mako investigate Varrick after I found out he's been stealing from my company, at first I didn't believe him but now it's been a little overwhelming, throughout the whole investigation me and him have grown closer, I know not a great move to go back to your ex when he just broke up with his girlfriend, but what can I say his damn charm grew on me. But the closeness ended quickly when I found out he was the one responsible for the attacks and stealing. And now I'm at my place getting ready for Bolin's mover premiere. He asked me to visit Mako with him but I couldn't. It reminded me of my dad too much. I wish (Y/N) was here, she would help me through all of this confusion and lord knows she can't stand Mako as it is. She won't admit it but I know she was broken when Korra chose Mako over her but she has always tried to be humble so she just distracted her with her work. I do miss her and her engineering ideas she sent me while away on her adventures but I do hope the trip with Korra will help their relationship.

Soon after getting to the pro bending arena where the premiere was happening I was sitting with Bolin in a private booth as the mover started after Varrick announced it with a moving speech. In the middle of the mover I saw Bolin step out so I followed him to the roof. I ask him what's wrong and he starts to speak. "I guess I just miss my friends. Everything is going so well for me but it feels empty without everyone around. Korra and (Y/N) are gone, Mako's in jail, and you're doing business lady stuff. Team Avatar has fallen apart." He said and I had to say something. "I know. Things have changed so much since we first met. After (Y/N) went on her adventures all she does is work her butt off it's like we aren't friends anymore." I say and take a breath and offer Bolin to come in but he said he needed a minute.

Bolin's POV

As much as I was missing my friends I noticed a boat below the arena. I walk back inside and almost slip on some food and then find two of the police tied up and they told me they were after the president. I rushed to the president's booth to see the northern soldiers ready to attack. I dodged them and launched three of them onto the platform while the other one was in the water. I jumped down and the fabric around my arms ripped so I just ripped the rest of it off and prepared for battle. "Look like there's nowhere to go." I said like an awesome punch line. I can't wait to til (Y/N) about this fight. They attack me and I dodge every attack they throw at me. Until my back was facing the mover and I had two stacks of earth disks next to me I bended them with all my might and knocked two of the waterbenders into the water while I left the last one to tell me who sent them. He said it was Varrick and I was shocked, Mako was right. I turned towards his booth and looked at him in shock but the guy behind me tried to attack again so I earthbended him into the water as well. The crowd cheered and I took it all in. (Y/N) is gonna love this story.

Korra's POV

I rode on Tenzin's sky bison to Republic City. Since the situation has drastically changed I would think asking the president would be on the table. We land and I rush to the president despite the crowd outside the arena. I caught Asami and Bolin up on Unalaq but I hesitated on telling them about (Y/N), I didn't need the president to see (Y/N) as a burden and a reason not to help us but he ended up declining anyway. President Raiko leaves and Asami and Bolin offer their help and I pull them to the side. "I've just noticed but where is (Y/N)?" Asami asks and I sigh. "Unalaq captured her and did something I don't know what but it's messed with her head, I'm afraid he's gonna use her for something which is why we need to stop him as soon as we get the chance." I say and Bolin and Asami hug me knowing how much we all care for her. Her life is on the line and I don't know if I could handle losing her. My memory is still a little messed up but I can't wait to see Mako. I ask them where he is and we soon end up at the police station.

He gets released and I run to hug and kiss him. He got confused and he told me we got into a fight and I don't remember so I told him what happened, I asked if it was bad and he said it wasn't and before I could say anything Tenzin reminded me of our time limit. Bolin told us that talking to Varrick would be the best idea and turns out he and a battleship he's letting us take. Later in the night we head on the ship and I'm looking out into the distance that was until Mako showed up. I remembered what I said to (Y/N) and how much I loved her but Mako is my boyfriend I can't just throw that away, it wouldn't be fair to him. "It's ok. We're going to stop Unalaq and get (Y/N) and Jinora back." He said. I noticed a hesitant tone when he said (Y/N)'s name but I decided to ignore it. I mention my dad and Mako comforts me as we make our way to the Southern Water Tribe.

(Y/N)'s POV

Unalaq and I battle the Southern Water Tribe men alongside the dark spirits. This feels so wrong, going against Korra's father is the last thing I expected, I just hope nothing too bad comes of this but again I have to stay balanced for now and let things happen until Avatar Korra saves the day. I see Tarlock about to attack Unalaq but then he sees me fighting along with him and he freezes. "How could you?!!" He yells and gets knocked down by his brother. "(Y/N) is no more, but Phantom has proven quite useful to me. But that doesn't need to be your concern." Unalaq says and delivers the final blow that knocks Tarlock out. I heard him whisper a sentence that truly concerns me. "Now that I've defeated you, your daughter is next." Unalaq I promise I will give my life to save Korra even if that means going down with you. I am also excited to see if Team Avatar is coming together again, I surely could use the help. 

(A/N): Enjoy the chapter. Next Chapter I'm going to put some of Tula's power into the Harmonic Convergence storyline and scenes. :)

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