morning miss

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(The next day)
You:so what is my cover name
Loki:Wanda and Peter will brief you on all to know
You:okay I cant do this right
Loki:I have no doubt about it
You:I have never been to school before
Loki:you will be perfect I promise you
You:okay yes
You:so who am I pretending to be
Wanda:you will be Peter's sister y/n Parker
You:right yes and?
Wanda:you need to listen and pay attention and be respectful
You:perfect I can do that
Peter:and dont talk to flash he is a shit head
Peter:yes um and dont embarrass me in front of MJ
You:you dont need me for that
Peter:come on dude that's just mean
Wanda:you also cannot go to school in robes
You:what why they are really comfortable...and very stylish
Tom:well not on this planet
Wanda:I have school appropriate clothes on your bed
You:ughh I need to know anything else
Wanda:give me a smile
*you sarcastically smile at Wanda*
Wanda whispers:good luck
Wanda:just get dressed
You:on it
*you see the ugly knitted jumper and a pair of Jean's on your bed*
You:do I have too
Loki:why dont you wear this underneath
*loki hands tou a beautiful lace crop top*
You:where did you get this it is stunning
Loki:I wasnt really in the library all day...midgardian books are so boring
*you put on your clothes as Loki watches*
You:having fun there
*you put the knitted jumper over the beautiful crop top*
Loki:you look will love you
*Loki gives you a soft kiss*
Loki:go on my darling
You:see you later I guess
Loki:bye darling
*you walk out of the room and head towards Peter*
Peter:are you ready to take your first bus
You:I guess I have no choice
Peter:no none
You:lets do this shit
*you and Peter walk down the road to the bus stop*
Tom:ladys first
*you frown at Peter*
Peter:just go
*you get on the bus to see loads of students staring at you*
Tom whispers:you wont appear on it your atoms are different to ours
Tom:just sit down
*you sit next to Tom*
You:what is wrong with these people
Peter:people stare just ignore them
You:why should I
Peter:you are new if anyone asks you were kicked out of your old school
*flash pops his head up behind your seats*
Flash:who is this granny here
You:why would you think that
Flash:your sweater...its horrible
You:just like your face
*the whole bus gasps*
You:I would sit down if I were you
*Flash slowly sits down*
You:I am taking this vile jumper off
Peter:what's a jumper
You:a sweater
Peter:you have weird words...and I dont think Wanda would like that
*you take the jumper off revealing the crop top Loki gave you*
You:fuck it
Bus driver:LANGUAGE
You:I swear to Odin if someone says that again
*the bus stops to allow more people on*
Peter:this is Ned my best friend...hes kinda weird
You:just like you
Peter:you need to chill
Ned:hey Peter...who-who is this
Peter:this is my sister y/n
Ned:I never knew you had a sister are really prett--
You:no chance
Ned:worth a try
Peter:no dude that's my sister
Ned:MJ is over there
Peter:I know...she knows y/n is here
Ned:and you didnt tell me
Peter:well you dont keep secrets very well
Ned:ok I suppose you are right
(5 minutes later)
Peter:ok ok we are here...we have all of our classes together
You:ok I will probably get lost
Peter:you wont...let's go
*you step off the bus and confidently walk into school*
Peter:wait up these are your lessons
You:thanks Peter
*you swing the doors open*
You:this is gonna be fine
*everyone states at you bewitched by your beauty*
A random kid:hey your really beauti--
You:no chance
*you walk up to your locker and put your day planner in there*
Telecom speaker:please head to first period
You:okay room 25...oh Odin there are like alot of rooms
*you wonder round aimlessly looking for your class*
You:room 25...ah here
*You open the door*
You:is this AP chemistry
Mr:Cobbwell:correct...students we have a new member of class...y/n Parker
The whole class:shut up
Mr Cobbwell:why dont you tell everyone about yourself
You:I'm good thanks
Mr Cobbwell:oh ok well please sit down next to Peter
*you walk confidently towards your seat*
Mr Cobbwell:I am however going to have to give you a dress code
You:oh umm please dont I will just wear this jumpe-- sweater
Mr Cobbwell:as it is your first day I will excuse you...but dont let it happen again
You:I wont sir
Mr Cobbwell:very well...guess what...pop quiz...y/n just try I guess try your hardest
You:I'll try
*sir hands everyone papers*
Peter:copy me
You:no these are all really easy
Peter:if you fail it isnt my fault
You:bet you 10 midgardian money
You:I bet you ten doll hairs
Peter:I give up
*you start the test*
*you suddenly need the toilet*
*you get out of your seat*
Mr Cobbwell:what are you doing miss Parker
You:oh I am going to the bathroom
Mr Cobbwell:I dont recall you asking
You:why would I ask to do a basic right
*you walk out of the classroom*
Mr Cobbwell:miss parker come back...peter go get your sister
Peter:yes sir I am so sorry
*peter follows you*
Peter:you need to ask to go to the bathroom
You:would he like it if I peed myself
Peter:well no
Peter:just come back to class
You:hold on
*you walk out of the bathroom*
Peter:just dont talk the rest of the day
You:yes yes fine
*you and Peter re enter the class room*
Peter:very sorry sir...the rules were a bit different in her last school
Mr Cobbwell:not a good start...sit down
*you sot down and notice his coffee cup*
*when Cobbwell goes back to work you focus on knocking over his coffee*
*you do*
Mr Cobbwell:shit shit shit...dont tell any of your parents I said that okay
*you look at Peter with a sarcastic grin*
Mr Cobbwell:just umm...class dismissed
*you all leave the room*
Peter whispers:cut it out
You:what I'm not doing anything
(The rest of the day goes smoothly)
*you and Peter arrive back at the house*
*Loki greets you at the front door*
Loki:so my darling how was school

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