Lets get you aquainted

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*the space craft slowly ascends*
You:this is rather terrifying
Loki:do not worry my angel
*Loki grabs your hand and holds it tight*
Loki:we will be okay
Quill:Gamora...see they are nice to eachother
Gamora:shut up
Rocket:bir of a lovers tiff huh
Quill:shut your damn mouth
Rocket:sorry sour puss
Quill:you need to stop calling me that
*Mantis giggles*
Quill:and you
Mantis:I am very sorry
You:so umm I dont really know you people so like who are you
Drax:we are the Galaxy of the Guardians
Gamora:we are guardians of the galaxy
You:so what do you do
Mantis:kick name and take ass
Gamora:we protect sometimes...we get corrupted and sometimes we just gamble
You:ohhh ok
Drax:no we dont...dont lie to the God lady...we are just badass superheroes
You:right right
Loki:great we are on a space ship with an imbecile
Quill:yes I know Gamora is pretty stupid
*Gamora states at Quill*
Quill:right not a good joke
*looks out of the window to see beautiful stars and the galaxy*
You:I cannot believe this is happening
You:it was only yesterday that I woke up and expected to find out who my father is...and now I am on my way to do a mission
Gamora:so who is your father...Poseidon Andy mother is Astrape
You:my mother is Greek godess of electricity and my father is the greek god of water
Quill:cool mine is Ego
You:isnt he like crazy
Quill:yes he killed my mother and then I had to kill him
*thor rolls his eyes*
Gamora:yes yes we all have family trauma
Rocket:so what are your powers
You:well the ones I know of are electricity,the ability to control any form of water and telekinesis
Rocket:wooww so you are like really powerful huh
Thor:not as powerful as me
Loki:she has your power and water manipulation and telekinesis she if alot more powerful
You:but you are pretty great too
Thor:dont patronise me
You:look baby groot looks like he is going to speak
Rocket:what no way...it's his first word
Baby groot:I-I- I am groot
You:what does that mean
Rocket:it means he knows who he is dip shit
Quill:everyone shut up...let's just listen to the radio
*Quill puts the "If you like piña coladas"song on*
Loki:curse your Midguardian music
Quill:hold on snake face this is good music so shut up
Loki whispers:can you tell who the imbecile is
You whisper:yes...very
Quill singing:if you like piña coladas and gettin caught in the rain
Thor:this is to be a long trip
(24 hours later)
Rocket:we are entering earth's atmosphere
*you look out the window*
You:wow this is stunning
Thor:not when you are on it...full of vile people
Loki:they arent evil they are moronic
Loki:That is Greece there...that is where your worshippers lie
*the ship is plummeting into Earth*
You:what is going on
Rocket:our electricity is depleting...we need to or thor to use your powers
Thor:I will do it
Loki:no y/n will
You:okay what do i do
Rocket:go to that silver bit over there and push your electricity through it
You:right ok
*you walk up to the external mother board*
You:okay you can do this
*you put your hands on it and focus on the electricity*
*you can feel it pulsing through your veins*
Rocket:keep going,keep going
*your eyes turn electric blue*
Rocket:you can stop now
*you dont*
Rocket:she is boosting the ships capability
*you dont*
*you stop and fall to the floor*
Loki:you are okay I have got you
*Loki catches you and carries you too his seat*
Thor:it is her first time using her powers to that extent her body just needs to get used to it
*loki cradles your head and plays with your hair*
Thor:you are going to hurt her one day
Rocket:we have arrived...get your asses in gear
*you wake up*
Loki:hello princess we are here
*the door opens to reveal 3 people standing in front of the space craft*
*you step out first*
You:ugh the air is so sickly here
*loki follows after you*
You:hello my name is y/n Poseidondaughter
Dr Strange:hello I am Steven Strange
You:nice to meet you
Scott:hello I am Scott Lang well ant man
*you turn to Loki*
You:what does he do
Loki:he can become small or big
*you turn back*
Wanda:hello I am Wanda or Scarlett Witch
You:I have heard about you...you are awesome
Wanda:what does that mean
Scott:it means you are cool
Wanda:oh right
Dr Strange:please come in...I would expect coming to Earth is a long journey
*you all enter the Avengers building*
*you and Loki hold hands*
Scott:you two are adorable
*loki spins you round and puts his arm around you*
*wanda is clearly uncomfortable*
You:so who are these people
Bruce:I am Bruce Banner aka Hulk
You:right...you got stuck as Hulk didnt you
Bruce:yes but I kinda like it
You:and who is this
Scott:this is Hawkeye...he doesn't really talk
You:and you?
T'challa:I am the black panther
You:yes i know you...Wakanda is famous for Vibranium
You:do I need to courtsey as you are a king
T'challa:well you are a godess a should be bowing to you
You:no no no
You:and who is this
Carol:I am captain marvel
You:I think you have been to Asgard
Carol:probability I have been everywhere
*you crouch down*
You:who is this little one
Morgana:I am Morgan
Scott:she wanted to meet the new godess
Morgan:you are really pretty
*you lift her up*
You:not as pretty as you
*Morgan smiles*
You:so what am I hear for
Dr Strange:can you go in the front room with your mother
*morgan goes*
Dr Strange:well Doctor Doom is now a concern for us
Peter:I'm baac-...who is this and are they going to kill us
You:hello I am y/n Poseidondaughter
Peter:wait we were learning about you in school today about how you are Poseidons secret daughter
Peter:your powers are incredible
You:who is he
Peter:oh I'm spiderman
You:hey spiderman
Loki:I am sure spider boy has homework to do anyway what is the mission
Dr strange:so doctor doom is now a concern of ours and he apparently has someone working for him that has the same sort of powers
You:right yes
Dr strange:well we need your help
You:we will be glad to help
Dr:but you all need sleep

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