No no this cant be

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Loki:my darling
*he softly walks to you*
*you slap him as hard as you can*
*a hint of sadness glazed his eyes*
You:you dont get to call me that until you explain to me what the fuck you did
Loki:not now we must go
You:no I want an explanation
Loki:not now
You:I am not going
*before you know it Loki picks you up and carries you over his shoulder*
You:put me down...NOW
*you see a tunnel of light around you*
Loki:it is the only safe place I could find
*tears well up in your eyes*
Loki:please do not cry my darling
*he goes to wipe your tears but you smack his hand away*
*he also looks like he is about to cry*
You:you broke me you said our child wasnt yours...YOU FUCKING DIED it is not going to be that easy for me to let you do this
Loki:I believe I owe you an explanation
You:you will probably just lie
*you run back to your palace*
*you run into your master bedroom*
*the only thing you could do was sob*
*you lay there thinking about what Loki did*
*all of a sudden there is a knock on the door*
You:if you are Loki or Poseidon I strongly recommend you leave
Artemis:just me...your favourite
Artemis:listen to me...I know what happened with you and Loki--
You:I dont wanna talk about it
Artemis:tough shit...just listen to what he has to say
You:I'll do it later
Artemis:no point he is here
*she stands aside the doorway revealing Loki*
You:please dont
Artemis:too late
*she pushes Loki in the room and locks the door*
Loki:I suppose you have no choice now
You:I suppose not
Loki:I never wanted to leave you...why would I I love you with all of my heart
You:so why did you hmm...why did you have to say you were dead
*you push him as you say it*
You:i loved you with all of my heart and you just throw it away
Loki:listen to me
*you were terrified he never shouted at you like that*
*he saw your fear and immediately stepped back with remorse*
Loki:I am so sorry
You:tell me what happened then
Loki:well um I had no choice...Odin said it was either me who died or you...and I couldn't let it be I faked my death as i couldnt bare to be separate from you even after death...and I could let you deal with our little rascal on your own
You:bull shit
Loki:that is what Thor told me when we had our conversation...please y/n you have to believe me
You:why should I
Loki:because when I was in that market place I asked your help not because my family didnt know you but because I saw your kind heart...when you talked to your acquaintance...I didnt care who you were I just well...i fell in love
You:as did i
Loki:I would never intentionally hurt you my love...there is a link between your heart and mine and should that link be broken by distance or by time my heart would cease to beat and I would die and you you would simply forget about me
You:I could never I love you with every drop I have in my heart
*Loki stares into your beautiful (y/e/c)
You:oh Loki...why is it that we can never love eachother hm
*you give him a look of relief*
You:I missed you...reindeer games
Loki:who told you about that
You:Bruce or Hulk or whatever he is now
Loki:i miss you too my pet
*Loki pulls you in for a warm hug*
*you look into his sad eyes*
*he tilts his head down to you and softly kisses you*
Loki:I missed that too
You:so did I
Loki:I am everlastingly sorry for the pain I may have put you through
You:it is okay my love you had your reasons...promise me you will never ever do it again...then I will kill you myself
Loki:I do not doubt that
*you exchanged another delicate kiss*
*loki traces his finger up and down your back*
Bertram:your father wishes to see yo-- oooh...the one time I dont knock
You:its fine we weren't doing anything...where is father
Bertram:in the common hall
*you look into Lokis eyes*
*he grins cheekily*
Loki:race you
*you push loki back and run out af the room*
Loki:hey not fair
You:awww is my little god of mischief a little pussy...also i am pregnant i am going to be slower than you
Loki:you have a point
*you both bolt to the common room*
You:i won
Loki:yes you did princess
*loki puts his arms around your waist*
Poseidon:now now you too I understand you havent seen eachother in a while but we have some business to attend to...loki Hecate is our most powerful godess of magic...we must erase you from Odins mind as we do not want to provoke a war do you consent to this
Loki:will I be erased from Thors mind additionally
Poseidon:no because Odin wouldnt even know who you are so there is no possible consequences nor reprimands so it is in your best interests
You:it is okay if you dont want to we can always hide you
Loki:no that man has only caused me nothing but pain...I want to spend my life with the loves of my life
*he puts his hand on your stomach and you turn to face loki*
You:do you want this for sure
*you press your foreheads together*
Loki:I would do anything to be with you
Loki:I would indeed like to be erased
Poseidon:as you may leave
You:thanks dad
Poseidon:no problem honey
Poseidon:the ceremony should take place tomorrow at 7 make sure your there
You:we will
*you and Loki politely walk out of the common room*
*after the door shuts Loki offers an arm to you*
*you slowly walk back to your room*
Loki:how about I run you a nice bath
You:that would be amazing
Loki:well then put on a dressing gown and relax whilst I prepare it for you
You:would you like to join like naughty stuff but like let's just relax the bath is huge and I want to spend some time with my favourite god
Loki:alright my pet I shall prepare a book or something
You:I will but first
*you give him a strong passionate kiss*
You:just a proper one
Loki:is that right my you put on a dressing gown relax and I will tell you when I am ready
You:ok then
*Loki walks into the bathroom*
Loki from the other room:holy fuck this bath is huge
You:shhh I'm trying to relax
Loki:sorry darling
*you undress and put on your favourite green silk dressing gown on and find a book to read*
You:Jane Eyre...should be a good read
*you grab your book and lie stomach down on your bed and read*
*you get about 20 pages in when you hear Loki*
Loki:baths ready
*you walk into the bathroom and see the most beautiful bath*
(It had rose petals and there was essential oils)
You:this is beautiful
Loki:anything for you my love
*you and Loki sit in the bath together top and tailed*
You:ahhh that's nice
Loki:mmm yes it is
You:the warmth is so nice on my back
Loki:is it hurting
You:a tad
Loki:come here
*you sit up your back facing loki*
*he gives you a back massage releasing the knots in your back*
You:tomorrow we should go for a long stroll in the gardens...they really are quite beautiful
Loki:I would love to
You:we should probably go at 4 so we have enough time for the ceremony
Loki:perfect my dear
*he smiled sweetly*
You:I love you so much
*you lie back in to Lokis arms*
Loki:I love you too my darling I love you too
*he said twirling your hair around his finger*
Loki:I love you too

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