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Your mother:how do you like your food...sorry it probably isn't as nice as what is in the palace
Loki:oh no this is spectacularly delicious thankyou
Your mother:so how are you still alive
Loki:well or is a long story do you wish to hear it
You:we would love to
Loki:ah yes just before thanos captured us I learnt a bit more sorcery and how to improve my visions
You:is that were you are like a hologram
Loki:precisely anyway I learnt how to make then feel like real people but they have no emotion and they do what I tell them to I sent my clone instead of me...i fought the creatures but just before we got on the aircraft...I put my clone on it...I had to live my brother couldnt lose anyone else
You:wow that is incredible...when did you come back to Asgard
Loki:yesterday...the whole ordeal happened 3 months ago but with the whole thanos killing everyone thing it wasnt announced until today
Your mother:where were you staying
Loki:well I was looking over Thor...I sent a few little things to help him like a new hammer since Hella destroyed it
You:how very kind
*Loki hides back a grin*
Loki:thankyou for dinner it was delicious...I havent had a home cooked meal since forever
You:well as you stay here you will have plenty
Loki:I look forward to it...may I ask who is y/ns father I recognise this outfit
*you abruptly get out of your seat and run into your bedroom*
Your mother:she is a bit touchy about her father she doesn't like people talking about him...I should probably see if she is alright
Loki:no I will as I upset her
Your mother:okay it is the room on the far left at the top of the stairs
*there is a knock on your door*
You:come in mother
Loki:just me ever so sorry
You:its okay
*Loki sits on your bed and you sit next to him*
Loki:I am deeply sorry for mentioning your father again I hope you can forgive me
You:I guess so
*Loki leans your head on his shoulder and he messes with your hair*
Loki:I will be sure not to bring it up
You:no no I would like to know who he is
Loki:we will...I can look on the Asgardian family tree thing...its a family tree of everyone here
You:you would do that for me
Loki:anything for you
*Loki innocently looks into your eyes*
You:would you like to get unpacked properly
Loki:of course...would you mind helping me
You:of course
*as you and Loki unpack there is a lot of sexual tension*
(You just imagine Loki throwing you up against the wall and him slowly kissing you and---)
Loki:you know I can read your thoughts right
Loki:of course I are slightly kinky dont you think
*you try to hide your bright red face*
Loki:it is completely fine though
*Loki puts his cold finger underneath your chin in makes you face him*
Loki:completely fine
*you two go back to packing*
Loki:these clothes are rather lavish I dont think they are from here
You:I have absolutely no clue
*Loki stops and thinks about something*
Loki:I will be back in a moment
You hear him faintly talking to your mother
Your mother:Greece
Loki:I thought these materials were foreign
Your mother:anything else?
Loki:that will be all thankyou
You:what was that all about
Loki:these clothes they are Greek
You:what about them
Loki:you see no one from Asgard has left or entered here legally...I dont think you are are Greek
You:how would I get here
Loki:I am not sure only Gods can enter and leave safely
You:well I am no godess
Loki:well we will keep digging
You:thankyou for helping
Loki:its okay you do not have to worry
Loki:I am exhausted...I think I will rest now
You:okay yes I think me and mother will now aswell
Loki:good night
*you walk into your room and take off your clothes and sleep in your underwear*
(4 hours later)
*you hear a scream coming from Lokis room and you run out of bed*
You:hey hey hey Loki are you okay
Loki:I wouldnt worry it's a night terror I get them alot
*you crouch next to his bed*
You:I thought you were getting murdered
Loki:dont worry about me
You:do you want me to sit with you
Loki:you need sleep
You:I will sleep in the chair
Loki:no you need proper sleep
You:I'll sit at the end of the bed and once you have fallen asleep I will go in my bedroom
*you sit at the end of the bed and watch Loki sleep*
Loki:this is making me uncomfortable do you want to go back to your bedroom
You:I am not going until you are sleeping peacefully
Loki:come here then
*Loki lifts up the sheets gesturing for you to get it*
You:are you comfortable with that
Loki:yes are you
You:yes I guess so
*you crawl into bed with Loki*
*you feel his cold soft skin against yours*
*Loki wraps his strong arms around you making you feel safe*
You:do you feel better now
Loki:incredibly so
*you feel a sense of belonging around Loki*

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