So how do i do this

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*your mother opens your door*
Your mother:you have to talk to me at some point
You:No I dont
*you use you telekinesis to slam the door*
Your mother:I regret telling her that
Loki:she is right
You:I know but just not right now
Loki:when ever you are ready
*you hear your mother leave out of the front door*
You:so what are we doing to do today
Loki:you are going to learn how to use your powers and I am going to teach you
You:wow okay
Loki:anything wrong?
You:I just never expected anyone to tell me that
Loki:I would leave it for a while but your powers are rather dangerous
You:I know
Loki:I remember how to cook breakfast you need to take a shower
Loki:I meant to clear your head
You:I was only joking
*loki pulls 1 of his cheeky grins*
You:remember you dont need the heat too high
Loki:right yes I will remember that
You:see you in a bit
Loki:I look forward to it
*you walk into the bathroom and slowly undress*
You:he is going to burn down my house
*you turn on the water*
You:let's try out my powers I guess
*you move your hands around the water and sparks come out of your hands*
You:okay i am thinking about lighting to much i need to think about what i want to do
*you think about water bending*
You:I am doing it
Loki:hey umm
*Loki opens the door*
Loki:how much oil do I need to put in
You:just a need to learn how to knock
Loki:why would I do that...then i dont "accidentally" walk into places where you are naked
You:now who is the kinky one
Loki:still you
*you feel Lokis middle finger slowly tracing down your spine*
You:you know you said just ask...well I'm asking
Loki:I thought you never would
*Lokis armour fades away leaving him completely naked*
Loki:you definitely want this right
You:more than ever
*Loki aggressively kisses your neck and moves further down your body and back up*
*you put your legs around Lokis waist and he throws you onto the toilet*
*you lift you legs up so Loki can go in*
*he puts his dick in...he pounds you so hard...but it feels so good*
*you start to moan and all of a sudden there is a green glow around you*
You:what's that
Loki:we will talk about that later
*loki lifts you up*
Loki:get on your hands and knees pet
*Loki pushes his dick in from behind...the sound of clapping floods the room
Loki:you like that
You:oh yess
*Loki slows down and fucks you slowly and intimately*
Loki:you are my queen
*Loki quickly speeds up and you both arrive*
*his warm cum fills you up*
*you both lie on the floor*
Loki:you are incredible
You:your pretty good yourself
*you lie in Lokis arms*
You:do you smell that
Loki:shit I left the stove on
You:I will go
*you put on your silk dressing gown*
Loki:I will come with you get some more practice
You:all you have to do is crack an egg into the pan
Loki:wait you have to crack it?!
You:oh odin what have you done
Loki:I am very sorry my darling
You:it is fine...but remember you need to turn things OFF
*you walk Loki through the breakfast*
Loki:I think I get it now
*you and Loki sit down to eat*
You:so how are you going to teach me how to use my powers
Loki:first we are going to get your electric powers under control because that will end up killing someone
You:well too late
Loki:dont worry about that my sweet
Loki:look at the television and try to switch it off with your mind
You:oh um okay what do I do
Loki:focus your mind on turning it off
You:okay okay
*you think about turning the tv off*
Loki:keep thinking
You:shut up
Loki:ooo sorry
*you accidentally blow out all of the lights in Asgard*
You:shit shit shit
Loki:oh no no no
Loki:Thor will be round any second
You:hide hide hide
Loki:I could just turn into your mother
You:I didnt think of that
*there is a knock on the door*
You:who is ittt
*you open the door*
Thor:hello umm what's your name
You:oh y/n
Thor:right I have reason to believe you blew out the entire electricity system
You:why would you think that
Thor:I am the god of thunder and lightning I can trace all electricity
You:okay and what are you doing here
Thor:well you knocked out all of the electricity in Asgard and I am curious how a "mortal" blew out all the took alot of convincing my father to get it
Loki under his breath:some father
Thor:I am sorry madame are you y/ns mother
Thor:come here a second
*Loki walks towards Thor*
Thor:I am going to throw this hammer and it will come back to me and it will go through your head if you do not move...however if you are a civilian it should stop before your head
*thor throws his hammer*
Loki:this is a mistake
*as the hammer gets close Loki reveals himself and runs out of the way*
Thor:I knew it...I saw y/ns mother on the way to your house...I saw you die I cried over your dead body
Loki:how flattering well that was a clone...i couldnt let you lose anyone else brother
Thor:you are no brother
Loki:you know what no I am not but I have always loved you and I have always wanted to be you BECAUSE OUR OWN FATHER DIDNT LIKE ME
Thor:shut up he loved us equally
Thor:but you are to me
Loki:shut you need anything else
Thor:I need y/n to come with me
Loki:not without me
Thor:I guess you could help...I know you are no are a Greek godess and the Avengers need you

He is a GodNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ