The Premiere

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The camera pans over the conference room. It's rearranged so all of the chairs are facing a projector on the far wall. There's a popcorn machine in the corner, a table covered in snacks and drinks, and a stack of blankets near the door.

A red-headed man in a plaid shirt and jeans paces in the front of the room. "Are you sure everything's ready?" he asks.

"Eddie, we can't do much more," a deep voice says from behind the camera.

Eddie turns to the camera, gnawing at his bottom lip. "I know, but these people are about to see the final product and I have no idea what they'll think."

"Does it really matter?"

He glares at the camera. "Does it really matter if the people who I based a year of my life around enjoy the way I portrayed them? Does it really matter if my life's work is-"

The camera twirls around to the door, where Sam is standing with his arms crossed. "I'm no therapist or expert, but you're basing your self-esteem on how we react to this documentary and that's not healthy. Just be proud of the fact that you were able to stick it through it. You spent a year of your life following around people in one of the most boring professions there is and you survived. Be proud of what you created and the fact that you no longer have to deal with us."

Eddie smiles. "Tony really should pay you more for being the sane one of the office."

Sam throws his hands up. "I've been saying that for years but do you really think he's going to listen to me?"


"What do you think it's about?" Peter asks, bouncing in place.

"Us," Tony deadpans.

Peter rolls his eyes. "No, Mr. Stark, I meant what do you think his angle is?"

MJ leans against Peter, stopping Peter from moving. "Or Is he trying to prove that Stark Paper is unstable? That we're working in a dying market?"

"It's not dying," Peter gasps.

MJ raises an eyebrow.

Peter sighs. "Okay, it's dying, but that doesn't mean we are."

Tony waves his hands in front of him. "Stop. Just stop. Eddie said it's about our day-to-day life. I doubt he has an angle."

"There's always an angle," MJ mumbles.

Tony pinches the bridge of his nose. "I need a drink," He sighs, walking away.


Sam whistles. "We're showing the documentary in approximately five minutes. You're either in here or not."

Bucky leans over the reception desk. "You ready for this?"

Steve runs a hand over his buzzed hair. "No, I have to finish this."

"Stevie, it's seven. You've been working on this all day," Bucky whines.

The blond sighs. "I know, but I just need to get this panel right."

Bucky nods, brow furrowed. "Does this have anything to do with your results?"

Steve freezes, stylus in hand. "No?"

Bucky raises an eyebrow. "It is, isn't it."

"I should have gotten the email by now," Steve mumbles, lazily shading Cap's shield.

Bucky leans in closer, wearing a dopey smile. "Hey," he whispers, "everything's going to be okay, right? That's what you kept telling me before all of this."

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