The Rebound

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James Barnes <>

To: Steve Rogers

Subject: Doodle

I'm bored. Can you send a doodle?

Steve Rogers <>

To: James Barnes

Subject: Re: Doodle

.... You want me to send you a doodle cause you're bored?

James Barnes <>

To: Steve Rogers

Subject: Re: Doodle

Yeah we can make a game out of it. I'll give you something to draw, you'll have ten minutes to draw it, and then you send it to me. Sound good?

Steve Rogers <>

To: James Barnes

Subject: Re: Doodle

Alright. Bring it on, but if the phone rings I get an extra two minutes.

James Barnes <>

To: Steve Rogers

Subject: Re: Doodle

Deal. Draw... Bruce and Tony as mad scientist. Your time starts at the ten after mark.


"Well, you know what?" Tony's voice echoes from inside his office. "I don't give a crap!"

Bucky looks into the camera pulling his lower lip down. "That doesn't sound good," he whispers to Sam.

Sam shakes his head. "Not at all."

"Ten bucks he's talking to his dad," Clint says from his corner.

"Nah, he doesn't have the balls to talk to his dad like that without a few drinks in his system," Rhodey comments.

Sam turns in his seat to point to the man. "You're not wrong."

Natasha balls up piece of paper and throws it at the back of Sam's head, getting him to turn around. "Enough with the speculation. Leave Tony's business alone. If he wants to-"

"WELL F*** YOU, TOO!" Tony bellows.

"-talk about his private life," she continues, "then he will. Tony's not shy by any means. You'll know if he wants you to."

A muffled scream comes from the office.

Steve raises an eyebrow, peering over the wall at Natasha. "I don't think that's normal."

"With Tony, is anything normal?" she counters.

"Good point."


Producer: "Do you have any idea who Tony's speaking with?"

Rhodey crosses his arms. "Not a clue. Could be anyone. Hell, for all we know he's talking to Dum-E, his malfunctioning robot."

"Has he done that before?"

"More than he'd like you to know."


Steve Rogers <>

To: James Barnes

Subject: Mad Scientists


<Image Attached: Science_Bros>

James Barnes <>

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